My NYC Broadway Adventures

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#0My NYC Broadway Adventures
Posted: 3/19/06 at 9:04am

Hello Dear Ones: Wow, what a week in NYC!! Actually, it was from March 14-17. In spite of the cold weather, I had a blast here in the Big Apple. The first show I saw was "Sweeney Todd" on March 14th. Luckily, it was only about a four block walk from my hotel, the Washington Jefferson (eh). I took my book: "10086 Sunset Boulevard: From Movie to Musical" by George Perry. I would gather my courage to ask her to autograph a picture in their with her Anthony Powell (As If We Never Said Goodbye)costume.
Well, anyway, I arrive at the Eugene O'Neill. It was a marvelous place. I was in the last row in orchestra, which to my surprise meant that there was a row of people behind me (standing room). I had not anticipated that at all. Now, I can deal with a row of people seated behind me, but a row of people standing behind me is another story. A couple of them were like "Chip and Dale", chattering away. I wanted to whack them upside the head, but I desisted. : )
The show started and it was an amazingly simple stage. I had seen Miss Patti do the concert verison of "Sweeney" with the San Francisco Symphony in June 2001, so this version was unique to say the least. I was visualizing to myself that it was interesting that "Norma Desmond" was playing a tuba. But I got on to the show in hand. They all played their roles beautifully. While I missed the full orchestra setting, these actors made the experience memorable.
The show ended and I was eager to see Miss Patti backstage. I asked the security guy where I could go to do that. He pointed to the stage door outside the theatre. ( I had made arrangements ahead of time with Miss Patti to see her backstage.) Outside, there was a huge crowd waiting in two sections, eager to see the actors from the show. I showed the stage door person my email from Miss Patti and gave her my name. She looked at ther list of names and ushered me in, to wait inside. There were a number of people waiting already to see Miss LuPone. Her dresser was escorting people up to her dressing room, a small group at a time. But before we went up, I noticed a very tall and handsome gentleman pass by to go see Miss Patti. He looked terribly familiar, but I could not remember his name. It turned out to be Tom Wopat. I was speechless.
I waited for a while, until it was me and a guy who had worked with her in "Noises Off." When it was our time, we went up and inside her room. She immediately recognized me and called me by my first name "Roman". I chuckled when she then said: "Is this your "friend" ?" (No, it was not.) She talked with the "Noises Off" guy first. When she began to speak to me, she told her dresser assistant: "This is my FANatic". I was tickled pink and surprised because it was the first time that she had ever mentioned my nickname either in email or in person.
I proceeded to tell her that I had recently had some troubles with some mean persons in the British Dress Circle forum, over the use of the nickname "FANatic". ( A few of them chided my nickname, although I pointed out quite clearly that when I use FANatic, it does not mean that I'm one of htose disturbed persons.) I mentioned that to Miss Patti and her assistant was surprised that anyone would have that sort of reaction to a simple nickname. Well, soon it was time to go. I had someone take a picture of me with Miss Patti. I also asked her if she wouldn't mind autographing the Sunset Boulevard / AIWNSG picture in that book. She happily signed it. I went out of the theatre in a very good mood.
The next day, March 15, I had two shows to see: first, a 2:30 p.m. perf of "Forbidden Broadway: Special Victims Unit" and later, an 8:00 p.m. perf of "Wicked." The 47th Street Theatre (Forbidden Broadway) was not very big and the people were piling in. It seemed that only the orchestra section had people and no one was in the balcony area. I had a swell time. I had taken my special edition cd of the First American Tour of "Sunset Boulevard" with Linda Balgord and Ron Bohmer. I thought that Ron Bohmer was in the currrent show and wanted him to autograph that cd. Alas, it was not to be. I did enjoy the show, though I must confess that I enjoyed "Beach Blanket Babylon (San Francisco) a bit better (2004).
Now, I'm off to the Gershwin Theatre on 51st Street. It was only a block and a half away from my hotel. I sensed the excitement and anticipation of the crowd. I had the last row of orchestra in my section, right by the exit. (which was fine by me). Having seen the touring production of "Wicked" in Dallas in October 2005, I knew more or less what to expect. However, the Broadway experience is that much more special. Indeed it was!! Although my view of the left stage was slightly obscured by the balcony overhang, it was an AMazing show!! I felt a great deal of enjoyment watching the show and also when I exited the theatre.
(Slightly off topic): After the "Sweeney Todd" show, I was to meet someone near Madison and East 27th, to go to the club "Happy Valley". I got there too early (around 11:00 p.m.) too early and waited for him. After waiting in the cold for about fifteen minutes, I went into the club to wait for him. I was waiting near the entrance and was watching the people passing by. I did notice ONE guy who looked a LOT like Jai Rodriguez (the Queer Eye guy). Finally, Mr. (Michael) Musto arrived. (We had emailed previously and he suggested meeting at the club.) Then, this guy who looked like Jai Rodriguez started chatting with Michael M. and introduced him to me. Indeed, it was that Queer Eye guy. Wow!! He left after a while with his friend. I had a cranberry juice and talked a bit here and there with Michael M. Since he is a well known columnist for the Village Voice, he had quite a number of people walk up to him and chat. He was carrying his laptop with him and scribbling some notes on a piece of paper. After a while, I decided to leave. I was quite tired from all the running around I had done throughout the day. My second wind was winding down. I said my goodbye's and thank you's and left.
I did have a great time in NYC.... except for the weather. Right now, it's 8:00 a.m. and 64 degrees. Yeah!
from Roman in Austin, Texas... the official Patti LuPone FANatic

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#1re: My NYC Broadway Adventures
Posted: 3/19/06 at 9:11am

I am really jealous! It must have been amazing to go backstage to meet Patti. Great picture too! I was looking at it and I noticed she has that Sweeney art that I have been using for my Avatar. Too cool! I would have loved to see it close up! ANyway hope you enjoyed the show!

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"
