Call Type Equity Principal
Date of Audition 11/14/2011
Location Arvada Center 6901 Wadsworth Boulevard Arvada, CO 80003
Time(s) November 14 AND 15 9:00 am-1:00 pm 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Appointments Auditions are by appointments only and can be scheduled by calling (720) 898-7200.
Contract LORT Non-Rep $566/wk
Seeking Experienced performers with strong acting abilities are needed. Please see breakdown.
Preparation Please prepare a 2- 3 minute monologue appropriate to the period and style of the production. All characters need Standard British dialect. A current headshot and résumé are required.
Other Dates 1st Rehearsal - January 3, 2012 Opening - January 24, 2012 Closing - February 19, 2012
Personnel Rod A. Lansberry - Artistic Producer Rod A. Lansberry - Director
John “Jack” Worthing: (male, late 20’s – mid 30’s) A seemingly responsible and respectable young man who leads a double life on his country estate and his “city” persona, “Ernest”. Comparatively serious. Jack is in love with his friend Algernon’s cousin, Gwendolyn Fairfax. Algernon Moncrieff: (male, late 20’s – early 30’s) A charming, well dressed and nephew of Lady Bracknell and cousin Gwendolyn Fairfax. He is Jack Worthing’s best friend. He is brilliant, witty and selfish. A charming, idle, decorative bachelor. Gwendolyn Fairfax: (female, mid 20’s – early 30’s) She is the epitome of taste and cosmopolitan fashion. She is sophisticated, intelligent and completely pretentious. An authority on matters of taste and morality. Gwendolyn is completely fixated on the name Ernest and says she will not marry a without that name. Cecily Cardew: (female, late teens – to early 20’s) She is young and innocent. Sheltered from any cosmopolitan elements of life. Naïve but curious and somewhat intrigued by “wickedness”. She has a vivid imagination and invents elaborate romantic encounters and expectations. Lady Bracknell:(female, 60’s +) A snobbish, mercenary and domineering aunt, and Gwendolyn’s mother. She is given to making outrageous pronouncements which she holds to be the ultimate truth. She is shrewd, cunning, narrow-minded, and an authoritarian on all matters. Miss Prism: (female, 50’s to early 60’s) She is a sweet but pedantic governess who can be demanding and rigid, but has an inner soft side. Puritanical in her beliefs, but secretly in love with Dr Chasuble. Has a hidden inner romantic fantasy that she struggles to keep contained. Dr Chasuble: (male, 50’s to mid 60’s) A vicar with a soft cheery soul. Always proper but with a sunny and positive outlook. He is a very proper bachelor with an attraction to Miss Prism he struggles to keep in check. Lane; (male, late 40’s – late 50’s) Algernon’s manservant. Dry, proper with a very subtle delivery and while professional, has the ability to put Algernon in his place. Merriman; (male, 30’s) Jack’s Butler on his country estate. Proper yet observant.