Call Type Equity Principal
Date of Audition 6/28/2011
Location La Mirada Rehearsal Hall 15519 Phoebe La Mirada, CA 90638 This address is not the La Mirada Theatre.
Time(s) Tuesday, June 28th 11am-4pm Sign-in begins at 10am
· EPA Rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Contract COST $745 favored nations contract.
Seeking Please see breakdown.
Preparation Contemporary, comic theatre monologue. No film or TV monolgues!
Other Dates Rehearsal: 9/6 Open: 9/23 Close: 10/16 Performance weeks will be Wednesday night through Sunday matinee.
Other Tom McCoy and Cathy Rigby (Producers), Brian Kite (Producing Artistic Director) and Richard Seyd (Director)
Personnel Flores Casting (Jula Flores) Other members of the Creative Team may stop by, but are not scheduled for the duration.
BROOKE To play 25. Very attractive in a traditional sense. Must be very comfortable with her body (she spends most of the play in her bra and panties). Actress must have great comic skills as well as being a beauty. When she is playing Vicki she has a lot of bad habits but great energy. She rehearses her lines in front of a mirror and has created a gesture for each line. When she is being Brooke she always goes off into her own world, she always says “sorry” because she’s checked out. DOTTY To play late 40's - 50’s. Still attractive and has sexuality. She is having an affair with Garry who’s in his 30’s. A character actor, she makes her living as a crossing guard in a daytime soap. Can play working class (Mrs Clacket the char lady), but is herself a bit of an insecure diva. Must have great comic skill both physically and verbally. LLOYD To play mid 40’s early 50’s. Good looking, when he was younger he was considered a up and comer but it hasn’t quite worked out. He is still a ladies man but it is beginning to fade a little. He considers himself superior to all actors. He uses great irony as a weapon. Likes making fun of actors with irony that he thinks they won’t get. Can be very charming. Likes the power of the position of director. GARRY To play in his mid thirties. A good actor Garry is very inarticulate when he doesn't have a script. He is insecure but can also be aggressive. He challenges Lloyd's power but always backs down. He is involved romantically with Dotty because he likes the security of an older woman, and she may help his career. The actor playing Garry needs to be physically very adept, as he takes a major fall down the staircase. FREDDIE To play mid forties. A deeply self-depreciating man. He always thinks things are his fault. Quiet and subject to sudden nose-bleeds he is very likeable and generous of spirit. He is a good actor and plays the debonaire Phillip with great skill. He is far more confident in character than in life. SELSDON To play in his late sixties/early seventies. The son of an actor manager of the old school he has never risen to his father's success. He nevertheless has the manner of an old Shakespearean actor. A full voice. He is also very hard of hearing and has difficulty with lines. BELINDA To play in her mid thirties/early forties. She is very grounded. Has great confidence in her acting ability. She is always the glue in any company she works in. Has an earned sense of superiority. Uses information as power. She always has to know more about what's going on than anyone else. TIM To play in his late twenties/mid thirties. He cares deeply about what he is doing and in a normal situation would be quite good as a Stage Manager. However he is in over his head with this production and never gets on top of things. He is tired and harried a lot of the time. He tries to please everyone and succeeds in pleasing no-one. POPPY To play in her early twenties. Comes from upper-class country set background. Very innocent of the ways of the world. This is her first real job. She is terrified of going on-stage. She is in way over her head. She truly believes Lloyd loves her.