Kansas City Repertory Theatre 2024-25 Season Equity Principal Actors - Kansas City Repertory Theatre Auditions

Posted May 18, 2024
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Kansas City Repertory Theatre 2024-25 Season - Kansas City Repertory Theatre

Kansas City Repertory Theatre 2024-25 Season - Kansas City, MO EPA

Kansas City Repertory Theatre | Kansas City, MO

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Friday, May 31, 2024

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (C)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


To schedule an audition appointment please email: casting@kcrep.org .


LORT Non-Rep

$1100 weekly minimum (LORT B)

$807 weekly minimum (LORT D) - Will pay LORT C rates $1011


Equity actors for roles in Kansas City Repertory Theatre's 2024-25 Season (See breakdown).

Some roles will be understudied.


Performers will have up to three minutes to audition using material of their choice. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Kansas City Repertory Theatre - Artistic Offices

4747 Troost

Kansas City, MO 64108

Rehearsal Hall. Administrative offices, NOT at the Spencer or Copaken Theatres.


Expected to attend:

Andi Meyer - Artistic Associate / Casting Anthony Edwards - Musical Director, A CHRISTMAS CAROL


See breakdown for production specific dates.



An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Kansas City Repertory Theatre 2024-25 Season

ONCE, by John Carney. Like the film, music and lyrics were by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová Director: Stuart Carden

Music Director: TBA

Stage: Spencer Theatre

Contract: LORT B

1ST REHEARSAL: July 30, 2024

TECH: August 28, 2024

1ST PREVIEW: September 3, 2024

OPENING: September 6, 2024

CLOSING: September 22, 2024

NOTE: Performers must play their lead instrument at a proficient/professional level.


Girl - Piano, A determined and witty dreamer. Girl has come from the Czech Republic to Dublin for a new life. She is passionate about playing the piano and making music. Gender: Female, Identity: Open race/ethnicity would strive to cast same race/ethnicity for Baruska/Ivonka, Age: 20 to 35, Vocal range: Mezzo, B4--F#3

Baruska - Girl's mother. Loving, generous, and idealistic. Gender: Female, Identity: Open Race/ethnicity, Age: 45 to 60, Vocal range: Alto

Ex-Girlfriend - Violin, Guy's ex-girlfriend. Wanting a better life, she's moved from Dublin to New York. Plays violin. Additional instrument a bonus. Gender: Female, Identity: Open Race/ethnicity, Age: 20 to 40, Vocal range: Mezzo


Director: TBD

Music Director: TBD

Stage: Copaken Theatre

Contract: LORT D, contracting at LORT C

1ST REHEARSAL: Sep. 10, 2024

TECH: Oct. 2, 2024

1ST PREVIEW: Oct.8, 2024

OPENING: Oct. 11, 2024

CLOSING: Oct. 27, 2024

Seeking actors with requisite skills for both roles.


Billie Holiday: The great jazz singer in the last year of her life (age 44).

Jimmy Powers: A piano player, any age.

A CHRISTMAS CAROL, adapted from the Charles Dickens novella.

Director: Jason Chanos

Music Director: TBD

Stage: Spencer Theatre

Contract: LORT B

1ST REHEARSAL: October 29, 2024

TECH: November 16, 2024

1ST PREVIEW: November 23, 2024

OPENING: December 1, 2024

CLOSING: December 28, 2024

No Roles available

BROKE-OLOGY, by Nathan Louis Jackson

Director: Francois Batiste

Stage: Copaken Theatre

Contract: LORT D, contracting at LORT C

1ST REHEARSAL: January 14, 2025

TECH: February 5, 2025

1ST PREVIEW: February 11, 2025

OPENING: February 14, 2025

COMMUNITY TOUR: March 6-16, 2025

CLOSING: March 16, 2025


William King: African American, male identifying. 50-55. By nature gentle and warm-hearted, but the early effects of multiple sclerosis bring on a temper and a longing for something he cannot identify. William should have a great sense of humor, and has a strong passion for his family and his vocation.

Ennis King: African American, male identifying. early 20s. Went east to college, about to be a father; not sure what he should do next. Confident, ready to make his future. Shares his father’s sense of humor, passion for hard work, and intense love for his family and his community.

Malcolm King: African American, male identifying. mid 20s. Has a Master’s Degree, lover of science, stayed at home. Down-to-earth and hard-working.

Sonia King: African American, female identifying. 20s-40s. William’s wife, who died young. Appears in William’s memory and dreams. Loving, self-sacrificing; always wanted a better life for her sons. She is also a passionate artist, her therapeutic creative outlet.

EMMA, by Kate Hammil. Based on the novel by Jane Austin

Director: Meredith McDonough

Stage: Spencer Theatre

Contract: LORT B

1ST REHEARSAL: April 8, 2025

TECH: April 30, 2025

1ST PREVIEW: May 6, 2025

OPENING: May 9, 2025

CLOSING: May 25, 2025

Actors of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to submit.



EMMA (late 20s-30s): almost unbelievably charming; a natural comedienne. Bouncily flirty; possesses more power of manipulation than even she understands; has a certain sunny, charming self regard—it’s what allows her to get away with so much. Very very VERY clever—and fancies herself even more clever than she is. Capable of getting ahead of herself. Incredibly dexterous, verbally. Capable of being unfair or short-sighted or impetuous; maybe a bit overindulged. Grew up with wealth. Can be a bit overconfident and self-congratulatory. Capable of getting quite competitive. Generous with those she considers family. Eminently lovable and eminently fallible. Has emotional depth. Very educated, but is not allowed a profession—and thus is a bit like a border collie without any sheep. Frustrated, and thus sometimes putting her considerable energies in the wrong places. Ahead of her time. Given the chance, she just might run the world.

HARRIET SMITH (20s): a deeply likable girl from the lower classes, who’s been given a basic education. A sweet, naturally affectionate human being, but not the brightest flame in the stove. A born enthusiast; the kind of person who leaps WAY before she looks. Has a strong tendency towards hero worship. A born follower. VERY impressionable. Has a desperate adoring friend-crush on Emma. Wants to be in love. Gets flustered easily. A bit naïve.

MRS. WESTON (mid 30s-late 40s) / as cast: Emma’s former governess. A very smart woman with a good sense of humor; very perceptive and grounded. Not afraid to tell it like it is. Capable of really teaching deep lessons. Not without edge, when she chooses. Likable and opinionated. Gives great advice. Picture the coolest aunt imaginable. Doubles as Mrs. Bates (70s+) / as cast: An elderly lady, very opinionated, who communicates exclusively in grunts and hand gestures. Mrs. Bates is completely obscured by bonnet and scarves and shawls; she’s a big pile of fabric, rather like Cousin It. We never see what’s underneath all the layers.

MISS BATES (40s+) / as cast: headmistress of a struggling school for girls. An incredibly good natured, if motor-mouthed and daft, woman. Very very proud of her niece Jane Fairfax, whom she talks about obsessively. Once she starts talking, you can’t get a word in edgewise.

JANE FAIRFAX (20s-30s) / as cast: You know that girl who always seems to do everything right? Jane is that girl. An overachiever. Very composed. Very beautiful. Very discreet. Very accomplished. Very smart. Every hair in place, and it seems effortless. Works as a governess, until she quits under mysterious circumstances. The only girl-child in a family full of schoolteachers, and thus—seemingly—a model of perfect behavior. Maybe a little bit stiff. Under all of this A+ decorum, she’s hiding a love affair with Frank Churchill—she doubts he can be faithful. Is hiding deep passions under that flawless exterior.

MRS. ELTON (20-30s) / as cast: not bright. What’s more, she has a laugh that’s the auditory equivalent of nails being torn out of your fingers. Is delighted by everything. Her libido is.... quite active. Thinks her new husband, Mr. Elton, is the most desirable thrilling brilliant man alive. A truly intolerable woman. May actually be a hyena, wearing a human suit. May also double with Mrs. Bates.


MR. KNIGHTLEY (30s-40s): a handsome man; a super charming man; an upright fellow. He’s also a bit of a rule-follower; maybe sometimes a bit of a stick in the mud. Very clever. Capable of getting ahead of himself and edging towards know-it-all. Can be competitive. Is preoccupied with Emma—they get under each other’s skin in the most delightful way. Gets quite jealous of Frank Churchill. Has the best intentions. Feels deeply. A genuinely good guy. Ultimately learns to admit vulnerability and share his feelings.

MR. WOODHOUSE (60s+) / as cast: an over-anxious, melancholy hypochondriac, but people humor him, as he’s a nice man under it all. Obsessed with the healing powers of gruel. Tends to darkly predict fatal illnesses as a sign of concern. May double with MR. WESTON, (40s-50s) / as cast:—the kind of man who likes to make awkward “dad jokes.” Very very proud of his son, Frank Churchill. An unsubtle matchmaker. A good man; not a mean thought in his head. Maybe is prone to blurting out the wrong thing.

MR. ELTON (any age) / as cast: a clergyman who sometimes gets the wrong idea. ADORES poetry. A born social climber. Fancies himself a great romantic. Thinks ladies are naturally coy and enjoy wordplay. Is determined to woo, and win. Thinks he oozes charm; maybe just oozes. May double with Mr. Weston.

FRANK CHURCHILL (20s-30s) / as cast: an incredibly charming, handsome, mischievous flirt of a man—the kind of man who gets away with almost everything, because he’s so irresistible. Not a bad guy, really; just a bit too likable for his own good. Ladies love him. Funny. Gossipy. Clever. A little spoiled and manipulative. A bit unused to hearing “no,” and as a result, doesn’t really believe in “no.” Can be callous or unthinkingly cruel or self-indulgent. Wishes to reform, but can’t.... always.... help himself. Enjoys half-truths and innuendo. Is, underneath everything, in love with Jane Fairfax—but that doesn’t mean other women become uninteresting to him. Doubles as ROBERT MARTIN—a sweet groundskeeper, in love with Harriet. Non-speaking. May also double as Mrs. Bates.

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