BWW Recap: SURVIVOR- BLOOD VS WATER 10/8; Full Review!

By: Oct. 08, 2014
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Last week the island saw possibly one of the silliest game moves since J'Tia's rice dump--well okay, maybe it's not quite the same; Season 28's ricegate wasn't really a game move, per se, more of a temper tantrum. Val, on the other hand--how she could have possibly thought lying would actually help her game is still a mystery to me. This is SURVIVOR, after all. SURVIVOR! Lying on SURVIVOR? Who lies on SURVIVOR? Oh. Right. Everybody. Well, still. Let Val's prompt dismissal last week serve as a cautionary tale to the remaining contestants. If you're going to lie, be smart about it. Not silly. Heck, lie about mildly believable things at least. Do not, I repeat, do not, lie about having multiple immunity idols by day five. Inevitably, someone will call you out on it, and then you'll just be up a creek without an idol. Sorry, Val. It would have been fun to see what other kooky fabrications you could have cooked up. Maybe your husband Jeremy will have some similar tricks up his sleeve. I can only hope.

This week, there's drama on Hunahpu as Nadiya and Drew argue over frond-weaving. Yup, sometimes that's as exciting as this show gets. And I love it. Anyway, looks like Drew has confused the bamboo for a La-Z-Boy one too many times, and the tribe will have no more of it. Pull your weight, Nadiya et al cry! But my hair's too long, Drew laments! Pretty-boy Drew better watch out; it's petty drama like that that can get you sent home quicker than you can say "drop your buffs." And on a tribe that has so far been enjoying a winning streak in this game, a weak link in any respect becomes an easy target should it ever go to tribal. So you may want to get your nails dirty and pick up those palms, dude. Just sayin'.

Meanwhile on Coyopa, has John Rocker's anonymity finally run its course? It'll be interesting to see how people react to his identity. I could see several different possibilities, ranging from disgust, to disappointment, to suspicion. In the game, nobody likes that whole concealing-my-true-identity thing; in the real world, nobody likes a bigot. Put 'em together, and what have you got? Bippity boppity BYE. Very good possibility. But as I mentioned last week, a guy like Rocker has a tendency to stick around. Public Enemy Number One Syndrome. Keep him in the game, and the target stays right on his sunburned little head. Vote him out, and that target can move just about anywhere. Or maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. Maybe no one will care about his last name at all. There's always that.

8:02 Hmmm...I wonder who flipped, the tribe muses. Maybe it will be one of those unsolved mysteries of the season--y'know, one of those things Jeff will bring up at the renunion, and we'll all just laugh, and laugh...Oh, nope, lol, it was me, says Josh. Well. That was easy.

Alright, Natalie, you tell 'em! Drew is nothing but a giant, human-shaped pillow. Really. Just lying around while his tribemates try to make their sticks-on-sand a more acceptable abode. Go take a nap on the helicopter home, dude. (Oooh, good one, Kara--give him some ice for that burn.)

8:08 Ah, Jeremy whippin' out the gender issue. Interesting tactic. And you gotta feel a little bad for Rocker; it's not his fault Val got caught in the middle of a bad lie.

I'll feel really bad if Coyopa loses another challenge. Plus, not to punish all of Hunahpu, but I really don't want to see Drew winning any blankets. I'd rather watch him be forced to knit his own out of tree bark and puka shells.

There you go! The streak is broken! That's refreshing. It gets a little boring watching the same tribe win again and again. Plus it gives Rocker an opportunity to whisper sweet reassurances into Jeremy's ear while he and the orange gang go to retrieve their reward--reassurances that fall on deaf ears, apparently. Now that's frustrating. Jeremy's just bitter that his wife is gone. In Rocker's defense, he really did try, as much as he could, anyway. And good luck targeting him from the other side of the island, Jeremy!

8:20 Welp. Rocker's cover is officially blown. It's funny that all of Hunahpu, save Julie, seems to have reached a unanimous agreement that Rocker is running the show on Coyopa. They don't even know how that vote went down last tribal. But this is where blood vs water really comes into play, much to Julie's chagrin, no doubt. They may not be able to take their anger out on Rocker himself, but they could sure go after his girlfriend.

Another season, another male-dominated everything. I don't know what it is about these shows, but the women are just never able to pull it together and take the guys out. It's incredibly frustrating. Here we have Baylor, who clearly suspects that her time on the island is dwindling, suggesting Rocker as the next target. Definitely not a bad idea, but the boys just smile and nod, like they're trying to appease her. They still have every intention of kicking the girls out, one by one. What is up with that.

8:30 I kind of want an ODD COUPLE reboot starring Josh and Keith. Who do I have to email to make that happen?

This the first immunity challenge of the season that actually has some weight, in my opinion. Or it's the first one I personally care about, anyway. I'd love to see Coyopa win this one; Baylor doesn't deserve to go just yet. She's not afraid to take on the guys, and that's exactly what this show needs.

Well, shoot. There goes that. Woah, Natalie. This is getting interesting. Did Rocker just tell Natalie she looks like a man? Did I actually hear that? Drop that shovel, man; you're only digging yourself deeper and deeper. It's pretty clear who Hunahpu would like to see voted off next--not that it's really any of their business. I wonder what they'll do next week when they notice that Baylor is missing. Throw a legitimate fit, probably.

8:42 Okay, yeah, it may not be any of Hunahpu's business, but Rocker really should go. Especially now that he's weasling his way around camp trying to trick the girls into voting Dale out. C'mon, Dale? Really? Ah, right. And there's that pesky immunity idol. Snaps to Josh for working a way around that. I hope his plan to blindside Rocker actually works. But I suspect it won't.

The way this tribal council is going, Rocker would be an idiot not to play that idol. All that talk from Jaclyn about flipping tables, voting boys out--he's gotta be sweating. Fingers crossed he is just an idiot, because this tribe needs some shaking up.

WOAH, HASHTAG BLINDSIDE! Turns out Rocker is just a big dummy! What was he thinking?! He's heading for the helicopter with an immunity idol chillin' in his pocket; what a way to go. I envy the man's confdence; I'll remember how he sat through that council with no fear of elimination the next time I walk into a job interview.

What did you think of tonight's tribal council? Were you surprised that Josh's plan actually worked? Who would you like to see get blindsided next?

Photo Credit: Monty Brinton | CBS


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