Guest Blogger: Eric Ulloa

Guest Blogger: Eric Ulloa Eric Ulloa is thrilled to check “Goodspeed” off the life goal list. Eric has performed at North Shore Music Theatre, Signature Theatre, Fulton Opera House, Arvada Center, Riverside Theatre, North Carolina Theatre, The Human Race Theatre Company, Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, and many others. As a writer, Eric is the librettist of the musicals Molly Sweeney and The Boardwalk Boys. Eric is also the author of the play 26 Pebbles. All the love and thanks go to the Krasny Office and his incredible family and friends! Wanna learn more?


BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - So Long, Farewell
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - I'm the Greatest Star
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - I'm the Greatest Star
November 26, 2013

As promised, we finish getting to know each and every cast member of 'The Most Happy Fella' before we close up shop on December 1st.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Show People
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Old Friends
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Old Friends
November 20, 2013

Let's start off this week's installment with a simple math lesson, shall we? Goodspeed Musicals, celebrating their 50th Anniversary, had a reunion celebration in New York City at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center. Knowing how many shows are put up between the main stage and Norma Terris season and how many actors/creative teams/technicians are used for each production, can anyone guess how many people took over LCT that exciting Monday night? Who said that?! Yes, you are right...over 500 people, representing 120 shows, spanning all 50 years, were in attendance to catch up and celebrate the greatness that Goodspeed Musicals has meant to the musical theatre world. If you grew up loving musicals, knew cast members from every Broadway show from 1990 on up and playing your cast recording CD's until they skipped, you would have been a pig in...well, you know what.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Getting to Know You
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Getting to Know You
November 15, 2013

Now that we've gotten to know our principles, it is time to get down to the foundation of any great show…the ensemble.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Out Tonight
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Out Tonight
November 11, 2013

Last installment, I left you with word of a surprise this week that I wouldn't tell you until today. Never in a million years did I think the week would end up the way it has and that I would have so so so so much to bring you…but alas, I do.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Moments In The Woods
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Moments In The Woods
November 6, 2013

Ham and Cheese. Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil. Peanut Butter and Jelly.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - I Can Cook Too
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - I Can Cook Too
November 1, 2013

Like a page straight out of a comic opera, 'The Most Happy Fella' utilizes a trio of comic relief to introduce us to the world of Tony's Vineyard and just how damn Italian it all is. This relief comes in the form of three chefs that work for Tony and when not cooking, they belt out their powerhouse voices (you have NO idea what you're in store for until you hear them!) that bring down the house eight shows a week. This week I give you the actors that bring Pasquale, Guiseppe and Ciccio to life - Martin Sola, Greg Roderick and Daniel Berryman. I hope you enjoy getting to know this tasty trio! (I promise that sounded a lot less creepy in my head)

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - A Little Brains, A Little Talent
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - A Little Brains, A Little Talent
October 28, 2013

For how quiet the town of East Haddam is, this cast has somehow found ways to pack a ton of excitement and activities into our brief time offstage. This past week saw an event that (in my opinion) is pretty rare during the run of a of our cast members got hitched. No, I did not get wasted and end up in Vegas waking up to nuptials and regret, but our very own bossy Italian chef 'Pasquale', Martin Sola, got married to his beautiful fiance Michelle. And I am not exaggerating about her beauty, as I call her his 'Middle Earth Wife' as if she comes from some perfect elf world where everything on the person is flawless...and I suppose Martin is no slouch either

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - In My Own Little Corner
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - The Bitch of Living
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - The Bitch of Living
October 18, 2013

Okay, yes the title is a bit dramatic, but allow me to paint you a picture that may prove a worthy defense of this choice.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - When You're Good to Mama
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - When You're Good to Mama
October 15, 2013

Every musical has to have their antagonist, and in our case we have two here in the Napa Valley. This week we feature our overbearing Italian sister hostess with the mostess our very own 'Marie', Ann Arvia.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - There's No Business Like Show Business
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - There's No Business Like Show Business
October 11, 2013

There's no business, like show business, like no business I know...

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Music and the Mirror
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Music and the Mirror
October 9, 2013

There is a moment that all singers dread while auditioning. It doesn't happen too often, but when it comes, there is no stopping your pulse racing or the eventual formation of lower back/ butt crack sweat.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - I'm A Brass Band
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Little Tin Box
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - OOH, MY FEET (And Brain, and Voice, etc.)
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - OOH, MY FEET (And Brain, and Voice, etc.)
September 27, 2013

This week has been out of control busy. Since we are still in previews, the show is still changing and that means rehearsals by day and then shows at night (plus matinees). Much like the phrase 'twerking', we are tired and in need of being used less. That's the job though, and the end product and successful run is the reward waiting for us.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Applause
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Applause
September 25, 2013

Standing backstage in the wings of the theatre, you begin to notice that your pulse has increased and you're a little sweaty despite the freezing AC coming down on you. 'Rosabella' is singing the last 16 bars of 'Somebody, Somewhere' and you can feel the vibration of the automation kicking in that will soon roll the diner off and take the audience from San Francisco to the Napa Valley. You check and recheck that your prop comb is in your pocket and that your prop newspaper is tucked into your waistband and ready for use. The actors next to you are doing similar actions, whether checking their own props or running lines in their head, looking at times like a manic person on the New York City subway talking to themselves. The song ends and since the scrim is down in front of you, you only hear muffled applause, therefore unable to gauge how things have gone these first 15 minutes of the show. The scrim lifts, the lights blare into your eyes and you see the once vacant seats now full of strangers who have paid to have a great evening of theatre. The time has finally arrived…ladies and gentlemen, it's time for your first preview.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST  HAPPY FELLA - Have I Got a Girl for You
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA - Have I Got a Girl for You
September 19, 2013

Today's blog is brought to you by my second cup of coffee and the last tiny flecks of energy I have left after this insane tech week. The insanity and long hours though, have brought us to this, our first preview, where the world will see what we've been working on for that last five weeks. Will it be a hit for the Goodspeed? Will people find our grapes to be sour? (Grant me at least one Napa Valley pun…I'm exhausted). I have my opinions on our show, which I've mentioned at length on here, but the audience member is the one who truly decides our fate.

BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA on Bill Nolte - A Wonderful Guy
BWW Blog: Eric Ulloa of Goodspeed's THE MOST HAPPY FELLA on Bill Nolte - A Wonderful Guy
September 17, 2013

Sometimes the stars align and the universe grants us the rare opportunity to see an actor in a role that they were born to play one day. To say that Bill Nolte is 'Tony Esposito' is the understatement of the year. If you don't get misty eyed during his 'Mama, Mama' or in the last 15 minutes of this show, I will buy you a drink at the Gelston House after the show (Hey Goodspeed, I can borrow that corporate credit card just in case right?). Bill is also one hell of a great guy and someone you'd just love to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine with for the stories alone. So without further ado, I give you my interview with 'the most happy fella' himself, Mr. Bill Nolte.

