Intermission in Hamlet?

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#1Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 1:17pm

In a typical 2 act cut of Hamlet: where does the intermission most likely appear?

Thanks in advance!

#2Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 1:35pm

I've seen it two different ways, the places that are mentioned in this article:


EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#3Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 1:53pm

Thanks, Neon! 

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#4Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 6:12pm

"Heresy"? Seems like the obvious break to me. "The play's the thing..." and all that.

Breaking in Act IV seems more a matter of keeping the second half shorter than being true to the action.

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#5Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 6:35pm

When I did the show, our act break was right before Hamlet is standing above Cladius, about to stab him while he's praying. Our act two beginning was Hamlet's monologue about how he doesn't want to kill him while he's praying, because then he'll go to Heaven, etc. It was really effective.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#6Intermission in Hamlet?
Posted: 7/27/16 at 6:43pm

^^^ Also effective, I should think.