
State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies

State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#2State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 12:41pm

And yes, I do realize the source  is a leftist news outlet .  

PalJoey Profile Photo
#3State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 1:04pm


The media will not cover this because they hate her too much.


But, as Clinton-stalwart Lanny Davis points out in The Hill:


 THE HILL: Clinton still leads Dems and GOP candidates, despite onslaught


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 1:06pm

Or as Fox News is reporting it - "The State Department has confirmed that Hillary Clinton had Ashley Madison account to view child pornogrophy sent to her by Jared Fogle."

Kad Profile Photo
#5State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 1:21pm

Murmur murmur corruption murmur murmur corporations.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

tazber Profile Photo
#6State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 1:31pm

It was actually on google's home news page earlier this morning.


I don't see it up now.

....but the world goes 'round

DAME Profile Photo
#7State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 1:38pm


On CNN’s New Day, State Department spokesman John Kirby said, “We have said in the past, Chris that there was no policy prohibiting the use of a private email account here at the State Department, and that is still a fact. Now, obviously, we have policies in place now that highly discourage that, and you are supposed to use your government account so that there is a constant, permanent record of it, but at the time she was not violating policy….I can tell you that there was no prohibition for her use of this, and we’ve since changed the policy to discourage that greatly, and in fact, the policy is that you have to use your government account for business.” Kirby added that he didn’t believe that the policy changed while she was Secretary of State, which means that Hillary Clinton was doing nothing wrong when she used private email.



Updated On: 8/25/15 at 01:38 PM

Liza's Headband
#8State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:02pm

If she received or sent any e-mails from her server/account classified as Confidential or Secret or Top Secret, she has broken several laws.


The State Department is one of several groups investigating, which includes the Inspector General and the FBI. Her not violating policy, which was already made clear and we knew, is irrelevant; what has not yet been determined is if she broke any laws. That investigation will take several more months. I guess the OP forgot about the three or fourth other investigations going on right now. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#9State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:04pm

This one article does seem to be the only deciding this scandal is officially over. State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#10State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:09pm

It doesn't matter if it's over. Because this non scandal and Donald Trump seem to be the only two things the media can talk about.

Liza's Headband
#11State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:11pm

hater -- I fear people like the OP, who probably only follow websites like "daily news bin" (really?) for their news, will actually take this article at face value and assume its absolving Clinton of everything related to the private email server.


Unfortunately for her, and for the OP, there are about three or four other investigations currently open on this matter; including the Attorney General's office, the Inspector General, and the FBI.


News flash for anyone who doesn't understand how these kinds of things work.... The State Department is not in a position to be the arbiter of what is lawful or unlawful. They only look at the situation in the context of their own internal policies. 

SmokeyLady Profile Photo
#12State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:17pm

Headband.  Don't be a idiot.  I said very clearly that the source is a leftist news outlet.  I know there are other investigations all of which for me seem like part of the GOP attack.  And they will amount to nothing but a distraction.

Updated On: 8/25/15 at 02:17 PM

Liza's Headband
#13State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:21pm

The FBI is a non-partisan governmental law enforcement agency. Just as it was when it investigated several scandals surrounding other presidents like Bush, Mr. Clinton, Nixon, Carter and more. 


The office of the Inspector General is an independent, non-partisan office within the government. Just as it always has been.


The DOJ's Attorney General office is, currently, led by Obama-appointed members and has been operating under a Democrat's administration since 2009.


Can you please explain where the GOP influence is??? 

DAME Profile Photo
#14State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 2:23pm

LH  I would say all over it.  But as for me.  I am excited about the possibility of Biden running.  I would love a Biden- Warren ticket.  Lets see what goes down.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#15State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 5:34pm


Admit it, Headband--YOU LOST.






As you always are.


This will go away, as has every other Hillary FAUX-scandal since "Travelgate."


The only people who will continue to believe it are the Hillary-haters. the woman-haters, and you.



ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#16State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 5:38pm

Please don't speak for all Hillary haters.

Liza's Headband
#17State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 5:40pm

I will respond with sincerity and civility, since you always ask that of me... 


Can you please point me to the article or news source that says the FBI has closed its investigation? Can you please point me to the article or news source that says the Inspectors General office has closed its investigation? Can you please point me to the article or news source that says the Attorney General's office has closed its investigation?  If possible, please avoid any biased left-wing or right-wing political blogs when sourcing. Thank you!

SNAFU Profile Photo
#18State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 5:42pm

And how many Benghazi investigations were there at the GOP's pushing and the tax payer's expense?

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#19State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 6:07pm


All Hillary faux-scandals end the same way, not with a


but with a 


#20State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 6:24pm

"Headband.  Don't be a idiot."


Good luck with that. 

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