
Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops

Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops

PalJoey Profile Photo
#1Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/21/14 at 1:38pm

Part one, on Anyone Can Whistle and Lestat.

Everything Michael Feingold writes is worth reading. Even his parenthetical comments are pure gold, like this one:

(What, for instance, became of Kay Twomey and Jacques Belasco, songwriters of the 12-performance thud The Girl From Nantucket [1945], about which the sharp-tongued New York Post critic Wilella Waldorf declared, "If the producers want a quote from us, they can have this: It lacks everything.")

Read here:

Talking of Turkeys The holiday season summons recollections of flops past.

gymman Profile Photo
#2Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/21/14 at 3:13pm

Thanks for being one of the very few posters who make reading this board worthwhile.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#2Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/21/14 at 11:09pm

Feingold neglects to mention that the true tragedy of LESTAT is that we still don't have a great score featuring the incomparable tenor of Hugh Panaro.

(Sorry, SIDE SHOW fans, it isn't a "great" score to me.)

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#3Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/22/14 at 12:23am

I saw Hugh in Seattle productions of Company (using the original script and orchestrations!) and Sunday and he was *great* in both. I actually worried that, despite his great voice, he would suffer acting wise, but was not disappointed.

This was a fun read but I expected more insight--there was next to none. For example it's interesting that so many people (fans and non-fans) have said that Lestat was, while a mess, much better in San Francisco and that the changes made for NY were the wrong ones, etc.

#4Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/22/14 at 12:43am

Well, it finally lays to rest the rumor that Feingold is Mr _______________. Because he says right off he doesn't collect disasters.

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#5Talking of Turkeys: Michael Feingold on Flops
Posted: 11/22/14 at 11:04am

Great insight re the original Anyone Can Whistle. I saw a preview and felt exactly the same way--moments of brilliance coupled with moments of bizarre wackiness. But the score, to my mind, is really remarkable---glad Feingold feels the same way.