
AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.

AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.

mjohnson2 Profile Photo
#1AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 8:44pm

This is amazing.


Anything regarding shows stated by this account is an attempt to convey opinion and not fact.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#2AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 9:21pm

This may not end well, you know...

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 9:22pm

I'm going to buy some for Namo for Christmas. Don't tell him though, I want it to be a surprise.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#3AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 10:41pm

No and no.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#4AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 11:02pm

Not often I'm speechless, but, not knowing--are these guys genuine fashionisteetes[my word] or just a joke ? Who wrote that crap-they should be spruiking used cars or closing down Persian carpet sales-and the way they are hugging that gorgeous male model with the bad skin [yes I did use the pause button]--Glasses now maketh the man--how do I put my contacts into a frame?

mjohnson2 Profile Photo
#5AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 11:19pm

Aw, I love AndrewAndrew. They're just so adorable and I can not figure out if they are gay or not.

Anything regarding shows stated by this account is an attempt to convey opinion and not fact.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 11:24pm

They don't talk about their private lives which means they are.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#7AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 11:26pm

I can't figure out who is the top!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#8AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 9/30/14 at 11:27pm

They must be so excited to work on those exciting designs. They must have had fun to the minus 10th power.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#9AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 6:29am

I always wondered if they are being annoying on purpose.

Like, maybe that's their "thing".

....but the world goes 'round

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#10AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 9:48am

This isn't real, is it?
I assumed they were just a joke gone too far, and not funny.

I watched one "review" and assumed it was an unfunny joke.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

NYadgal Profile Photo
#11AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 1:38pm

SO not funny.
And, sadly, real.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 10/1/14 at 01:38 PM

#12AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 2:57pm

With luck this means BlandrewBlandrew are just too big to ever slum around these parts anymore.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#13AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 9:39pm

Here's an article I found about them I couldn't read very much of. I guess they've been a thing for a while. One seems to be aging more rapidly than the other. I couldn't think up a clever title for the link because I'm breaking out in hives.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#14AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 10:27pm

One seems to be aging more rapidly than the other.

Which one? Andrew? Or Andrew?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#15AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 10:35pm


#16AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 10:50pm

I could only make it halfway through the article, but you know, what? Great. They're out there doing it making a name, a single solitary name, for themselves without a Warhol or other svenjolly telling anybody they're superstars. So, good for them. What I dislike immensely is the fact that they call their iPhone street chatter clipettes about shows they got into "theater reviews." A switch in my brain went off the time they mispronounced a major theater person's name and acted like it was somebody nobody who's anybody knows. Basically they've achieved some version of what Corine has been trying to do. It makes me feel bad for Corine. I also think they're going to rue the day they were so uptight and twee about not revealing anything about their identities. It's just stupid nowadays. And it's easy enough to tell them apart. There's Rounder Andrew and Somewhat Leaner Andrew.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/1/14 at 10:50 PM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#17AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:00pm

Rounder Andrew is rude and I've never liked them since my encounter with them a few years ago.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#18AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:21pm

I admit I only knew them from here, until they popped up on a cameo of Girls and I realized--to someone, somewhere, maybe, kinda--they actually were sorta a thing. (At least to good old Lena.) That article was kinda fascinating, kinda boring and kinda horrific though, so thanks for that.

"They require journalists to sign an agreement promising not to reveal their last names, initials, ages or places of birth. "

Meh. And now they work for Target (I'm sure they design their products at least on the same level as Madonna did for H&M.)

Updated On: 10/1/14 at 11:21 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#19AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:28pm

Leaner is aging better. Until I read that article I thought maybe they were father and son.

#20AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:40pm

I can't believe somebody would actuallY SIGN an agreement. Whatever happened to journalism?

I chose not to go to an Under the Radar after party I found out they'd be DJing at. I can't remember if I found that out before or after I decided not to attend. This was before I learned to loathe their reviews here. So let's just say, their DJing wasn't enough of a selling point to get me to stay.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#21AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:44pm

Remember when they got that glasses line at Target? before that I thought they were just two guys with some kind of fetish I couldn't understand and an unsophisticated taste in theater.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#22AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/1/14 at 11:46pm

They are still that. All that and less!

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#23AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/2/14 at 6:52am

TotallyEffed, they're friends of friends of mine, and that was exactly my experience with them, too.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#24AndrewAndrew now makes glasses.
Posted: 10/2/14 at 7:09am

These excerpts from the Times article mystify, fascinate and horrify me:

The turning point came when they moved in together in an apartment in Chelsea. They kept only the clothing that matched, and threw away whatever didn’t. Everything else went, too — last names, hometowns, separate identities, separate lives. The only birthday they now celebrate is Sept. 9, the date they made their first official appearance as AndrewAndrew.

For the sustained observer, the depth of their sameness and the discipline it requires are what truly impress. They read the same books (recently, Don DeLillo’s “White Noise”). When one of them loses a button on a blazer, the other will lose the same one. “For seven years, we ate the same exact thing,” Andrew said, “because a biologist told us that every seven years every cell in your body rejuvenates. So by eating the same thing for seven years, our bodies were comprised of the same elements.” One time at an art gallery, Andrew spilled red wine on his jacket. Instinctively, the other Andrew grabbed a glass and spilled it on himself, too.

Are they a couple? Can you imagine trying to date one of them- it would be like dating one of the Hilton sisters. Have they given up any sense of the self? Are their opinions allowed to differ? What happens if they ever split up? Could they regain any individuality they once had or would they be like twins separated from birth living identical lives like in some X-Files episode?

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!