Rocky To Close On Broadway

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#1Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/15/14 at 11:25pm

Check on the Broadway board for more info

Critics have done in poor Rocky. Closing mid August

Poster Emeritus

#2Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/16/14 at 6:26am

I have listened to the score and believe that this is a show that heavily relies on visuals.

The score isn't, in my opinion, a stand out one but looking at the pictures it seems an impressive staging.

Never happy though when a show announces its closure.

WickedGinger Profile Photo
#2Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/16/14 at 8:35am

Do you think this will move to West End? Would they need to rework the score?

#3Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/16/14 at 2:25pm

Doubtful althought I think it could do ok in West End but needs rehashed.

#4Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/16/14 at 3:39pm

It didn't do well on Broadway, why would it come to the West End? And this is not the case of Women on the Nervous Breakdown which could be re-scripted and reduced to a smaller scale. Rocky heavily depends on spectacle and staging, and if anything, that was its big selling point.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#5Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/17/14 at 5:43pm

It would do far better in London and should have come to the UK first. They could have mounted the show here for far cheaper (Ala Legally Blonde) and probably of found an audience. I would not rule out seeing Rocky in the UK

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#6Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 2:52am

I think we will see a production of Rocky one day in West End. Maybe not this version but I think it has good audience for UK someone will do it. Maybe ATG tour and into London.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#7Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 3:00am

5 years time at Southwark Playhouse.

#8Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 6:41am

Based on what are you making these claims that it will hit the WE?
It wasn't a successful Broadway show, and the composers aren't particularly famous in the UK. I just don't see any grounds for this to be produced in London.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#9Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 8:20am

Rocky was homegrown in The US. If it could not make it here, forget it

Another example of the critics warning people not to see a show some of them did not like. I am cynical of Broadway now with 3 major musicals folding with a 4 th (Bullets) on the brink. Why bother sinking money into seeing shows to have them tank? Add to that, the absolute glee on the US board when the notice went up. Some malcontents on the board take it to be a crusade to close the show A.S.A.P.. They did it with Scandalous. They were heaping crap on Memphis saying it was D.O.A before it opened but they failed . Rocky came along and they had their next target. We alledgedly want to celebrate Broadway and they want to tear it down. Generally the shows they champion are deadly dull or boring a/k/a cerebral.

I wonder what there next target will be. I no longer care.

Poster Emeritus

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#10Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 8:48am

I haven't seen Rocky and unfortunately never will now, however I have heard the cast recording which certainly falls on the side of uninspired.

You also empowing the Broadway board and giving them kudos and power they don't have. The people who contribute on the Broadway board are probably 1/10.000 of Broadway theatre goers, so therefore they wouldn't have enough clout to close a show.

Also those 'malcontents' as you put it were general quite praise worthy of 'The Bridges of Madison County', which still closed despite that, again another show I haven't seen but I have heard the score and it's a joy to listen to.

Zenobia Profile Photo
#11Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:35am

FWIW, the discussions about Rocky around opening time on the Broadway forum inspired me to book tickets because there was enough positive feedback that stirred my interest. Especially all the raving about the final. I'll see it next week (in Hamburg though) and I'm now looking forward to it, but at the same time I am happy to admit that I find the CD tedious, predictable and uninspired.

#12Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 12:23pm

Is Drew Sarich still Rocky in Hamburg?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#13Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 12:25pm

Based on what are you making these claims that it will hit the WE?
It wasn't a successful Broadway show, and the composers aren't particularly famous in the UK. I just don't see any grounds for this to be produced in London'

You mean like Legally Blonde, Women on the Verge, Fame, Footloose, Wedding Singer etc?

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Zenobia Profile Photo
#14Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/18/14 at 4:00pm

Yes, contracted to October

#15Rocky To Close On Broadway
Posted: 7/27/14 at 1:35am

I remember reading an article about that talked about Broadway/West End musicals in Germany. The head of Stage Entertainment there said that the German audiences love shows that would be viewed as mega musicals. Furthermore, he said that that's the reason why something like The King and I would not do great business there.