Hedwig SRO and or Lotto

#1Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/18/14 at 7:51pm

I have plans this week to try to stand or lotto this show and I was wondering if anyone had insight. If I wanted to attempt SRO how early should I be there on a weekday? The day I plan on going is past the opening (this Tuesday).

Also, I'd expect the lotto to be packed.
And (not saying I'd do this), but do they do lotto and SRO on opening nights?


haterobics Profile Photo
#2Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/18/14 at 7:56pm

Just so you know, SRO isn't sold until 45 minutes to showtime, as opposed to other shows where SRO kicks in when the box office opens at 10 a.m. or whenever the show is confirmed sold out that day. So, people do queue up earlier than that, but it's more of a Book of Mormon scene, where you are queued up for SRO, get to play the lotto, and then if you lose the lotto, you're still queued up for SRO.

The upside of going after opening is the full SRO area will be back in play, since it was far more limited during previews, since the creative team was in the back of the house.

#2Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/18/14 at 8:29pm

Yeah, the SRO situation is going to be different after opening, as there will be more tickets available than there have been in previews but - I'm sure - also more people wanting them. So far, it seems like 3:30/4:00 has been the safest time to line up for an 8:00 curtain. Lotto this week was 200+ people, but the night I went, they sold almost 40 lotto tickets.

I'm also curious about opening night, though I'm 99% sure they don't do either.

#3Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/18/14 at 8:30pm

Thanks! I'd figure I'd wait til after opening for that reason.

But, my friend sent me a link to a website I'd never heard of. I'll link it on the bottom. And it says that for Hedwig:

"Standing Room
$27, cash only.
Available when the box office opens, when the show is sold out.
2 tickets per person."

I just want to confirm this 100%.
It's not that I don't believe you. I just want to make sure. Thanks so much for your reply!

Broadway for Broke People Updated On: 4/18/14 at 08:30 PM

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#4Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/18/14 at 9:38pm

The Hedwig website lists the policy that haterobics listed.

Hedwig website Updated On: 4/18/14 at 09:38 PM

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#5Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/19/14 at 12:42am

I did SRO for Hedwig yesterday (although I ended up not seeing it). We arrived at about 3.45 and were numbers 6-8 in line. The box office told us three would be 8 tickets THE MOST, but that this might change as production staff etc request tickets. About half an hour before the lottery we were told there were now only 6 SRO spots. None of us, or anyone else in the line won the lottery so my two friends decided to go try the If/Then lottery while I stayed in line. A total of 6 tickets were sold at exactly 7.15 (not just after the lottery like at The Book of Mormon).

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.

haterobics Profile Photo
#6Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/19/14 at 12:51am

"A total of 6 tickets were sold at exactly 7.15 (not just after the lottery like at The Book of Mormon)."

The policy is SRO goes on sale 45 minutes before showtime, so that is when they are supposed to go on sale. BOM never used to sell them earlier, either, so that must be new.

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#7Hedwig SRO and or Lotto
Posted: 4/19/14 at 1:14am

I brought up BoM as an example because that is the most reliable SRO in my opinion., and the op brought up a different policy so I just thought I would make out clear! The past few months as well as this summer the SRO tickets for BoM has been sold immediately following the lottery.

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.
