
Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters - Page 6

Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters

#125Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 9:11pm

Mediocre, insecure, toned down singing will not cut it. Not this material. This must be carried by sublime voices. The best the world has to offer. They should embrace it and go all the way. Singing wise, and cinematography wise. Make it a triumph of the fantasy.

Will they ever learn?

Anyone who even thinks of casting someone like Amanda Seyfried and therefore basically is already apologizing for the film being sung, should be disconnected from the project immediately.

Updated On: 6/28/16 at 09:11 PM

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#126Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 9:18pm

why do you love the term "triumph of the fantasy" so much? is that what they call in in Holland or wherever your from?

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#127Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 9:40pm

Dave19 said: "Mediocre, insecure, toned down singing will not cut it. Not this material. This must be carried by sublime voices. The best the world has to offer. They should embrace it and go all the way. Singing wise, and cinematography wise. Make it a triumph of the fantasy.

Will they ever learn?

Anyone who even thinks of casting someone like Amanda Seyfried and therefore basically is already apologizing for the film being sung, should be disconnected from the project immediately.

Where can I sign to make you a producer of the movie RIGHT NOW?

NOWaWarning Profile Photo
#128Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:16pm

Amanda has been vocal about wanting the role for a while now

#129Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:21pm

NOWaWarning said: "Amanda has been vocal about wanting the role for a while now



That doesn't mean she needs to get it. She can't sing!

skies Profile Photo
#130Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:22pm

I suppose the only thing worse than Amanda is Taylor Swift.

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

NOWaWarning Profile Photo
#131Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:42pm

Oh I wasn't trying to endorse Amanda for the role at all. What I meant is that she has been vocal about wanting the role for a while, so it's no surprise that she's being linked to the role. Even if it's just tabloid gossip.

#132Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 12:15am

To quote from another poster in the In transit thread , I think I sprained my eyes from rolling them so hard at some of the suggestions.


emma stone as Glinda? LOL. Talk about delusional. She could barely sing the score of Cabaret.




#133Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 2:41am

Amanda Seyfried would be near to my last choice for any role in this movie. I find her voice to be very thin,  shakey, and occasionally breathy. She is not a good match. 

#134Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 7:17am

gypsy101 said: "why do you love the term "triumph of the fantasy" so much? "


Because that is exactly what this way of storytelling, this artform, this language is. The biggest mistake is trying to make it realistic or literal.

Fully embracing it and going all the way is the only way to go. It is written in such a way that certain notes create raw emotion. That is the basis of this artform. The idea that lame singing makes it more realistic is absurd.


@ Rodrigo_ca, thanks!

Updated On: 6/29/16 at 07:17 AM

#135Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 9:50am

Perhaps they could cast this with new coming leads, the talent pool of A-listers with singing and acting experience is hard to draw from. Atleast theirs plenty of options for Fiyero. I'd like Taron Egerton or Ansel Elgort for the role. Taron more so because I've seen a few bland Fiyero's and I think he's natural charisma could add to the role.

#136Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 11:51am

Taron Egerton is such a butterface, ew.

Can he even sing?

and even more ewww to Ansel Elgort.

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#137Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 12:03pm

regarding Kristin as the midwife, I think that would be a good idea, yea in the show she is an animal (cant remember which one) but lets be clear, chances are ALL of the animals will be animals (CGI) not people wearing masks with hands that can deliver a child, so having a goat as a midwife would just be stupid.


I don;t usually subscribe to dream casting because if I did I would probably just cast broadway people since I believe that the singing is more important than star quality. BUT. I have always thought it would be kick ass for Jack Nicholson and his ex Angelica Houston to play the wizard and morrible.


but onto the film itself, the only other issue I have is that because Disney is doing their own OZ universe, they are already using that heightened stylized approach which would have worked beautifully for wicked, but not to help differentiate the two properties (wicked and Oz the great and powerful etc) they probably will have to look for a different 'style'

I remember a while back people suggested filming it in the style of 300 with the minimal colour but I am not sure I can sit through that. Personally I am in favour of animation but we know that is not on the cards.


Was also wondering if there can be some tie in with the other books by having the entire movie as a flashback/representation of what happened as performed first by characters/dolls in the time dragon clock and then merge into live action only to have the whole time dragon clock performance revealed at the end to be 20 years later and a little green girl watching it in the audience (Rain)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/27199361@N08/ Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

#138Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 12:50pm

As long as we're just talking amongst ourselves....what if the way to work in Kristin and Idina would be for the movie to do a take from "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?"  where Jimmy Stewart's character finally sets the record straight about who was truly the title character?  An aged Glinda finally decides to come clean many years later and tells the "true" story (which would basically be the rest of the movie in flashback).  At the end, maybe Glinda dies and an older Elphaba returns under cover of darkness to place a lilly on her grave, or any other convenient reason to give middle-aged Idina a moment in the film as Elphaba.  I would prefer they appear in a manner related to the story rather than insert them as other characters to have a "aha!  There they are!"  moment.  It worked in the Star Trek reboot with Leonard Nimoy appearing as Spock, but still confined to a cameo. 




#139Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 12:54pm

I'm only afraid they will write a new song for the movie, only because they can get an Academy Award nomination for 'Best original song'.

#140Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 5:48pm

I think some songs can definitely be replaced or removed (especially some ensemble parts or songs like "sentimental man".

I also think they could use a song for the end credits, like they did with Phantom.

#141Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 8:22pm

Justin D said: "(..) but onto the film itself, the only other issue I have is that because Disney is doing their own OZ universe, they are already using that heightened stylized approach which would have worked beautifully for wicked, but not to help differentiate the two properties (wicked and Oz the great and powerful etc) they probably will have to look for a different 'style'"

Disney only did one single movie that didn't worked out as they planned, so I doubt there are any more of them coming. Also, their movie is also a backstory to Glinda and to the Wicked Witch of the West, so I don't see how both of them can be confused.

I find the style for Oz the Great and Powerful a lot like the original The Wizard of Oz, only cgized and modified just so they couldn't be sued.


About cuts and whatnot: can we agree Dear Old Shiz can be replaced since we don't need a song for the quick change of Galinda? thanks.

I was very much annoyed by songs like Something Bad or A Sentimental Man, but since I actually saw the show, I see how much they fit and would miss them.

AND SOMEONE GIVE NESSA AN EPIC RENDITION OF WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST. She deserves it after being cut from all cast recordings.

I can see a beautiful new song by Kristin and Idina in the credits. Stephen Schwartz, make it happen.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#142Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 9:07pm

I could see "Dear Old Shiz" as background music in the intro to Shiz (the way "Cooties" got used for the Miss Hairspray pageant in the movie version of Hairspray). Please, get rid of "Something Bad." My apologies to whoever plays Dillamond for not getting to sing, but that song is truly awful.

Quite frankly, if they can make it financially feasible, I'm in favor of casting Broadway names and/or lesser-knowns for the three young leads. I can't think of a Hollywood leading lady who could carry off either Glinda or Elphaba's roles, just based on the vocal demands alone, and it takes a talented, charismatic actor to access any depth to Fiyero- a Hollywood heartthrob would play up the eye candy part and overlook the character's legitimate arc. Cast names as the Wizard and Morrible, cast well-liked character actors as Nessa and Boq, but let's try to let talent carry the day for the leads. Wishful thinking, probably, but I'd like to hope.

Updated On: 6/29/16 at 09:07 PM

justincharacter Profile Photo
#143Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/29/16 at 9:34pm

Personally, Ariana and Adele for the leading roles. 

#144Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/30/16 at 11:17am

justincharacter said: "Personally, Ariana and Adele for the leading roles. 



That is so offensive, it isn't even funny.

justincharacter Profile Photo
#145Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/30/16 at 12:11pm

What is so "offensive" about it? Think. Both of these women have wonderful voices that will accompain the score very well. They both seem to have the acting chops or the desire to act. In fact, Adele has been saying ever since she stepped back on the music scene that she'd like to act. Xavier Dolan, who directed the music video for "Hello", is currently working on a new project for the silver screen. Adele has said HERSELF that she'd love to be in it. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I can see these two women embodying Glinda and Elphaba perfectly. We sit here and complain about Hollywood actors with limited vocals being considered for these roles but write it off when actual singers with star power and experience are mentioned. 

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#146Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/30/16 at 12:19pm

For me, Lady Gaga is the only option for Elphaba.

#147Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/30/16 at 1:26pm

All I ask is that they find actors who can sing the score as written. Amanda, bless her heart does not have the voice for this show. 

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#148Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 6/30/16 at 2:21pm

justincharacter said: "What is so "offensive" about it? Think. Both of these women have wonderful voices that will accompain the score very well. They both seem to have the acting chops or the desire to act. In fact, Adele has been saying ever since she stepped back on the music scene that she'd like to act. Xavier Dolan, who directed the music video for "Hello", is currently working on a new project for the silver screen. Adele has said HERSELF that she'd love to be in it. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I can see these two women embodying Glinda and Elphaba perfectly. We sit here and complain about Hollywood actors with limited vocals being considered for these roles but write it off when actual singers with star power and experience are mentioned. "

I wouldn't call it "offensive," but I have to point out there is a WORLD of difference between performers who "have the acting chops" and performers who "have the desire to act." A musical is not a concert where the biggest belters win, but rather a specific combination of performance elements and a very specific performance style (which is why musical theater is not truly comparable to, say, opera). Pop stars, even with excellent voices, tend to not do well in musicals because they are not trained to sing and act. While I'm sure maybe pop divas could (and have) covered Wicked songs beautifully, performing as the characters, rather than as themselves "evoking" the characters, is a much taller order.

That's really the unavoidable problem with Hollywood adaptations of musicals. They either cast big-name actors who can't quite sing, big-name singers who can't quite act, or theater stars who can do both but won't bring in the box office. Wicked is big enough source material they might be able to get away with lesser-knows, but so was Les Mis and we all know how some of that casting worked out.


Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
#149Wicked OFFICIALLY coming to theaters
Posted: 7/22/16 at 4:41am


Oh dear. I understand that most of the movie musical adaptations usually write one new song into the film so it can go after the original song Oscar but.... 4 new songs? They were already likely to cut some stuff but now will we see more of the existing songs cut in favor of these 4 new ones? I think that "Something Bad," "Wicked Wicked of the East," and "March of the Witch Hunters" days are numbered in this adaptation for sure. Maybe even "Sentimental Man" with this new news.

Updated On: 7/22/16 at 04:41 AM
