WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
Posted: 10/18/13 at 2:14pm

Went to see ALL IS LOST this morning, and boy am I exhausted. It's an absolutely draining film that doesn't loosen its grip from the second it begins. There are literally three lines in the entire film and an opening voiceover monologue from Robert Redford. I was worried I'd be bored; and I was anything but. Sure, it feels long at points and a bit repetitious, but I think these aspects lend themselves to the film and actually enhance the feeling of dread, tension, and exhaustion that pervades the entire movie. It's beautifully shot, with some of the best ocean footage I've ever seen in a non documentary, and the sound design is startlingly crystal clear. There may be little to no spoken lines, but it's hardly a silent movie. Wind whipping, water splashing, thunder crashing, etc etc are the real soundtrack to the movie.

And, let's be real, this is a showcase for arguably one of the greatest actors of all time, who is giving a tour de force performance. It's truly one of his best, which is no small compliment. Redford is this movie; without his presence and talent, the film could have easily capsized (no pun intended). He's truly astonishing.

J.C. Chandor is proving himself to be a force to be reckoned with in film, after this and MARGIN CALL, which couldn't be any more different from ALL IS LOST. Here's hoping he continues to show us this wonderful versatility for years to come. And here's hoping Redford gets a shot at winning his first Oscar for acting. In a year full of some truly towering performances, this one ranks high on my list.

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
Posted: 10/18/13 at 2:28pm

It's not playing in San Francisco yet. The shame! Great review. I called in sick and need something to do. Was going to see this. Guess I'll wait.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 10/18/13 at 2:38pm

I'm going to see it this weekend. It's like GRAVITY at sea, right?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
Posted: 10/18/13 at 4:30pm

Pretty much, yeah. I kept thinking how similar it was, except this one's got a lot less talking. And it's pretty realistic, which makes it all the more terrifying. You'd be hard-pressed to find a "movie"-ish moment in the whole thing; it's all incredibly plausible and real.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 10/19/13 at 5:11pm

I saw it this afternoon and it is grueling in the best and worst senses of the word. It's Gravity, Life of Pi and a little Captain Phillips thrown in there too.

For a movie with no dialogue, it did hold my attention well. Redford indeed gives a strong performance, especially given that we have no context for what his character is doing on the ocean, where he's from, anything about life- and none of these questions are explored for a second.

Like Gravity, every single awful thing that could happen to the man does happen, but he's a smart guy and manages to keep surviving for another scene. (Good thing too or it would make for a very brief movie!)

I recommend it, but make sure you are in the proper mood to see an hour and 45 minute film with no dialogue about unrelenting hardships.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 10/19/13 at 8:17pm

I will see this one on Netflix

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