Mir Forn Kayn Amerike
Vi Shver S'Iz Tsu Sheydn
Troyerik Zayn Darf Men Nit
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor
Amerike, Hurrah for Onkl Sem!
Ellis Island
Lozt Arayn!
Vatch Your Step!
Oy, I Like Him!
Dem Peddlers Brivele
A Brivele der Mamen
Sabbath Queen
Fraytik oyf der Nakht
Lekho Dodi/Ko Riboyn Olam/Sholem Aleykhem/Gut Vokh
Sabbath Zmires
We Go to Work
Shnel Loyfn di Reder
Motl der Opereyter
Rebel Girl
Ballad of the Triangle Fire
Mamenyu! Elegy for the Triangle Fire Victims
Bread and Roses
Arbeter Froyen
Ikh Breng Aykh a Grus fun di Trenches
Yenki Doodl Fort Uptown
Lebn Zol Kolumbus
Di Fon Fun Frayhayt
Gebentsht Iz Amerike
Fonye Ganev
Fun Downtown, Uptown
Show You Care!
When Rosie Lived on Essex Street
Ikh Bin a Border bay Mayn Vayb
Got un Zayn Mishpet Iz Gerekht
Mayn Yiddishe Meydele
The Badchn's Song and The Wedding Dance
Joe and Paul's
Commercial: The Barton Brothers
Vu Nemt Men Parnose
A Khulem
The Cowboy
Yidl Mitn Fidl
It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog
Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz
Rumania, Rumania
Briderlekh Tayere
Am Yisroel Khay!
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?