Extra Dates Added For Ian Smith's Debut Tour CRUSHING
by Stephi Wild
- Nov 28, 2023
Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee Ian Smith has added extra dates to his tour of Crushing, which was awarded 14 x 4 and 5-star reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe and was one of the top-rated shows there this year.
BEST OF EDINBURGH FRINGE FEST Set for Adelaide Fringe, 14 Feb - 15 March
by Tyler Peterson
- Jan 15, 2014
Best of the Edinburgh Fest continues to be a highlight of Adelaide Fringe. Now in its fifteenth year the Best of the Edinburgh Fest features three international acts for the price of one at The Gov, 59 Port Road Hindmarsh from 14 February to 15 March Tuesdays to Saturdays at 8.00pm.