Who Played Nichette Duprat in The Lady of the Camellias

Mary Worth Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917

Other Roles in The Lady of the Camellias

Armand Duval Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Baron de Giray Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Doctor Guerin Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Gaston Rieux Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Georges Duval Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Gustav Roger Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Marguerite Gautier Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Mme. Prudence Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Nanine Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Nichette Duprat Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Prince D'Aurec Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
Rene de Varville Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
St. Gaudens Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
The Auctioneer Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
The Concierge Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
The Old Year Broadway The Lady of the Camellias 1917
