Who Played Dangerous Dugan in The Man in the Moon

Daniel Williams Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899

Other Roles in The Man in the Moon

Alphonse Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Arry Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Azalea Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Boodlestein Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Carnation Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Ceres Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Charity Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Clio Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Conan Doyle Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Continuous Proctor Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Dahlia Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Dangerous Dugan Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Danseuse Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Dewdimple Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Diana Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Endymion Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Ensemble Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Fern Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Flameberg Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Fuschia Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Goldbricksky Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Ivy Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Jimmy Donohue Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Kitty Lorraine Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Liza Ellen Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
McCue Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Miss Tryphenia Bullion Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Mlle. Fifi Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Mr. McGovern Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Mrs. McCue Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Pansy Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Pianissimo Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Police Captain Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Prairie Dog Pete Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Psyche Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Punch Sloan Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Putzelschitzer Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Ruby Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Sapphira Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Senator Tim Sullivan Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Shamrockmeyer Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Sherlock Holmes Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Slipsey Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Smokeheimer Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Specialty Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Spirit of Mischief Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Sweetpea Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Swindlefresser Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Twelvepercentsky Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Verbena Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Viola Alum Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Whaley Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
Willie Bullion Broadway The Man in the Moon 1899
