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Nick Ryan....
Sociétaire de la Comédie-Française, Christian Gonon propose un assemblage de quelques textes de Pierre Desproges : « Ce serait tout ce que je préfère de ...
Inspired by one of the key figures of Western drama, Jérémie Niel probes the intimate cavities of our founding values. With an economy of words ...
Matthieu Aron d’après les grandes plaidoiries des ténors du barreau Les affaires judiciaires ne sont jamais enregistrées. Les paroles s’effacent. Mais grâce au travail de ...
Lang Lang Lang Lang - piano Johann Sebastian Bach, Partita for keyboard no. 1, BWV 825 Franz Schubert, Piano sonata, D 960 Frédéric Chopin, 12 ...
Monsieur Linh a fui son pays que la guerre a anéanti, en quête d’un avenir meilleur pour sa petite fille. Il ne se sent pas ...
Matthieu Aron d’après les grandes plaidoiries des ténors du barreau Les affaires judiciaires ne sont jamais enregistrées. Les paroles s’effacent. Mais grâce au travail de ...
SPECTACLE EN ITALIEN SURTITRE EN FRANÇAIS S’inspirant librement du film culte de Michelangelo Antonioni Le Désert rouge (1964), Daria Deflorian et Antonio Tagliarini s’attachent au ...
Depuis un siècle, les femmes luttent contre les préjugés pour se faire une place dans la vie politique. Pendant plus de deux ans, Nicolas Bonneau ...
Sociétaire de la Comédie-Française, Christian Gonon propose un assemblage de quelques textes de Pierre Desproges : « Ce serait tout ce que je préfère de ...
Traduction : Isabelle Famchon Molière 2019 de la Comédienne dans un second rôle pour Ophelia Kolb À Saint-Louis (Missouri), en pleine tourmente des années 1930, ...
Faut-il fuir ce que l’on exècre et se retirer du monde ? Ou sommes-nous condamnés à composer avec nos semblables ? Molière écrit Le Misanthrope ...
Deux amis de trente ans dans un appartement vide. L’un, (Pierre Arditi) est un comédien médiocre, l’autre (Michel Leeb) un dramaturge raté. Le premier vend ...
Une mère (Catherine Hiegel) et son fils (Pierre Palmade) se parlent. La mère pense qu’ils se parlent, le fils ne le pense pas. Parler, pour ...
L’intégrité d’Albert Londres est devenue un emblème du métier de journaliste. En 1924, entre le 22 juin et le 20 juillet, il couvre le Tour ...
Monsieur Goliadkine, paisible fonctionnaire de Saint-Pétersbourg, voit sa vie bouleversée par l’apparition d’un double de lui-même. Et il semble que cet autre Goliadkine intrigue pour ...
Varsovie, août 1939. Entre deux représentations d’Hamlet, une petite troupe de théâtre, dirigée par Joseph et Maria Tura, répète Gestapo, une pièce violemment antinazie. Avec ...
Nour a 20 ans. Élevée par un père veuf, philosophe, elle disparaît un jour pour rejoindre en Irak l’homme qu’elle a épousé en secret, lieutenant ...
Tout avait commencé par un pacte d’amour. Deux amants, Sylvia et Arlequin, voulaient protéger leur passion. Mais le jeune prince tombe fou amoureux de Sylvia. ...
D’après le roman de David Foenkinos publié aux Éditions Gallimard On dit souvent qu’il existe des hommes à femmes, on peut considérer qu’Hector est un ...
Tragédie aux Pays des Contes : son écosystème est complètement bouleversé ! Blanche-Neige ne se réveille pas, les contes s’arrêtent les uns après les autres. ...
Molière 2019 du Théâtre Privé Molière 2019 de l’auteur francophone vivant pour Benoit Solès Molière 2019 du comédien dans un spectacle de Théâtre Privé pour ...
Coelio, le passionné, aime en vain Marianne, elle-même mariée au juge Claudio. Désespéré de voir son amour repoussé, il se confie à son ami Octave, ...
« Bonsoir ! » c’est ainsi que Frédéric Mitterrand saluait les téléspectateurs, en ouverture de ses émissions de télévision. Quoi de plus banal qu’un bonsoir... ...
Geneviève Casile, Sociétaire honoraire de la Comédie-Française, incarne Sarah Bernhardt... Celle pour qui Jean Cocteau inventa l’expression « Monstre sacré » était aussi pour certains ...
D’après le texte d’Annie Ernaux publié aux Éditions Gallimard Une femme se sépare de l’homme qui partageait sa vie depuis cinq ans. C’est elle qui ...
Même après trente ans de mariage, Suzanne (Michèle Laroque) et Julien (François Berléand) sont toujours fous amoureux. Un couple complice et heureux. Suzanne est une ...
Julie, artiste-peintre déjantée et fantasque, est au bord de la crise de nerfs. Après vingt ans de vie commune, elle apprend que son mari, fonctionnaire ...
Les compositeurs : Ludwig van Beethoven, Béla Bartόk, Sergueï Rachmaninov, Gustav Mahler, Arnold Schoenberg, Fazil Say... Les auteurs : Victor Hugo, Albert Camus, Nâzim Hikmet, ...
Vincent va être père pour la première fois. Invité à diner chez sa sœur et son beau-frère, il y retrouve Claude, un ami d’enfance. En ...
Londres. Richard et Sarah sont un couple heureux. Le matin, Richard part travailler et quitte Sarah, en lui posant cette question : « ton amant ...
"Dinner," a drama in the plot follow after the triple play of Aeschylus tells ????? three siblings gathered according to Clark Terry's "husband" Fellows home, ...
Students of the Cape Academy of Performing Arts (CAPA) walked away with the Standard Bank Ovation Award at the 2013 Grahamstown National Arts Festival with ...
In a supermarket, a man steals a can of beer, or rather drinks it on the spot. Four security guards arise, seize him, lead him ...
In a supermarket, a man steals a can of beer, or rather drinks it on the spot. Four security guards arise, seize him, lead him ...
Simon invited his two sons to lunch to introduce Mado, his new partner of 20 years younger. Everything should be pleasant. A formality in sum ...
The drama depicts a jury forced to reconsider its nearly unanimous decision by the single dissenter who sows a seed of reasonable doubt. The story ...
En écrivant L’Idiot, Dostoïevski voulait représenter l’homme positivement bon. Mais que peut-il face aux vices de la société, face à la passion ? Récit admirablement ...
Décembre 1897, Paris. Edmond Rostand n’a pas encore trente ans et n’a rien écrit depuis deux ans. En désespoir de cause, il propose au grand ...
Sophie, Sébastien, Paul et Franck, quatre amis d’enfance, se retrouvent à l’enterrement du cinquième inséparable de la bande, mort subitement à l’âge de cinquante ans. ...
Sidney Brown est un auteur dramatique qui a connu son heure de gloire. En panne d’inspiration, son étoile est aujourd’hui ternie. Il reçoit alors une ...
Des personnages cohabitent dans une cellule. Gepetto, petit expert-comptable sans aucune qualité particulière, rêve de devenir acteur. Robert, metteur en scène, va essayer d’en faire ...
Marion, que l’on surnomme Peau de vache depuis son enfance, surveille, discute, et contrôle tout… Jusqu’aux maîtresses de son mari, Alexis. Il est violoncelliste de ...
Une équipe de cinéma investit un théâtre afin d’y tourner une scène : un mari trompé interrompt une représentation pour tuer l’amant de sa femme, ...
She and He must go to the obvious: despite their hope, their love life is a failure. Here they are confronted with their respective loneliness ...
One summer evening, two friends always find themselves on the terrace of a cafe and complain of passing time. To live in the nostalgia of ...
What is the link between the end of a love dialogue and endless job interview? How much love he has for faces? Two men for ...
"The Lyons" are the epitome of what everyone wanted to express with family and never had the courage to do: tell the truth. The trigger ...
Despite its elegance, high heels, sophisticated hairstyle, Lady is not to high. As soon as it is for you, its slang often reveals that she ...
Separated from his wife, Patrick told his friends that he would forward its new companion and everyone agrees it's a great idea. But the appearance ...
It is nine o'clock in a bourgeois interior of London, the living room of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The clock strikes the "seventeen English strokes." ...
We no longer present Cyrano de Bergerac and the beautiful Roxanne. However, this staging of Jean-Philippe Daguerre deserves attention. Having found unpublished sheet music, created ...
On Christmas Eve, Catherine before the door, a homeless man, Michael, who does not believe in much. Proud of her professional success, she saw hurt ...
According extract Monologue The broken woman Simone de Beauvoir "This piece is the word, speech, free and crazy as all women feel bubbling in them, ...
From texts borrowed from the work of Luigi Pirandello, Jean-Claude Berutti and brush a spiritual self-portrait of the author. Installation is subtle and implemented by ...
In the street, Alice surprised the husband of one of her friends with another woman and is faced with this heady dilemma: should say what ...
We get caught up in this lovely tale about childhood, the family and the right to difference. A grumpy and lonely man waiting on a ...
The evening of the marriage of their daughter, Rosalie discovers the many infidelities of her husband Francis. Divorce looks difficult for the latter, especially as ...
In 2010, Patrice Chéreau was the great guest of the Louvre. He then set design works around its core themes: bodies, faces, light, ghosts. Enriched ...
Fabrice Luchini seems to live only to explore infinitely French, the great authors, "children", "his genius" as he calls them, and tell her passionate duels ...
Can we too love his son? Like others, Anne sacrificed her life for her husband and children who all eventually abandoned. It now finds itself ...
One evening, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux shocked to find that a Momo moved home. Momo returned with his parents to announce their marriage. The Prioux, ...
Over the years, the routine is installed in the couple Marianne and Georges regrets the fiery young and naive love, he wants a more sensual ...
There She, psy strand and an asocial. There Him, commercial and some reveler. They are next door neighbors and cordially hate. Their only commonality is ...
The peculiarity of this piece is that it is practically improvised at each performance. It's a kind of game: in a trendy hair salon, a ...
With its cynicism and its indispensable need poetry, Pierre Desproges provides material about the history of the world and to dissect our frailties. According to ...
"Staging a classic text, it is not only to stage a visible text, of course (the literal text, print), but also to stage a second ...
Time of meerkats is that moment when the actors are waiting in professional desert that something happens to them. But if luck falls, they will ...
A "Farewell Dinner" is a subtle way to get rid of a friend saw too! The method is simple: you choose an old acquaintance preferably, ...
In London, Tony, lazy young aristocrat, moved into a comfortable home. It urges Barrett. The latter reveals a model servant, intelligent. Some complicity is established ...
The franglaises propose to translate literally or shifted the greatest successes of the Anglo-Saxon repertoire, just to check the relevance of what one sings in ...
The story of carrier is a novel, a movie, a story, a legend, a literary drama to the breathless Dumas, who takes us on a ...
Jocelyne, said Jo, dreamed of being a fashion designer in Paris. It is haberdasher to Arras. She likes pretty silhouettes but not quite the size ...
Jean Piat started his career at the French comedy in February 1948, leaving institution that after twenty-five years of a career rich, dense and eclectic. ...
A renowned Viennese writer one day receives a shocking letter from a woman who knew him well. She describes her total love, selfless. His feverish ...
Elizabeth lived a cramped life with her husband bourgeois banker, in silence and acceptance. But one evening, at midnight, it does account that reported her ...
A is it right or wrong to accuse Wilhelm Furtwängler, renowned conductor, malfeasance with the Nazi regime? In 1946 in Berlin, the American commander Steve ...
Once upon a time, in a country you do not know, in a vast city, cold and gray, a little Marseilles named Ferdinand Faure in ...
Clarius Barbaroux is a respected farmer who farms in the hills of Marseille Saturninus with his valet. The latter is devoted to the family and ...
In his bachelor Gerard expects Nina resolutely, with whom he decided to break. But instead of his mistress, he saw the husband arise thereof come ...
MRS JENKINS AND PIANIST Although convinced of owning an extraordinary coloratura soprano talent, Florence Foster Jenkins, a rich billionaire 30 years, sings fabulously wrong. Yet ...
The Bronx of the 1960s. A thriving area where the mafia There is no sharing and racism makes its appearance... The little Cologio observes his ...
"Who remembers the case Dussaert quijeta a pad in the pool already disorder world of contemporary art in 1991?" Under form of a theatre conference ...
Show musical and theatrical, Gould/Menuhin evokes the meeting between two geniuses of the musical interpretation in the 20th century, a pianist and a violinist, and ...
The Liaisons Dangereuses, roman letters, is a story intrigue, power and seduction that tells the conquest of two women, the young Cécile de Volanges and ...
1840, a couple is together in a Parisian apartment. The Marquise refuses County, his neighbor and lover banter cold; She asked that the it is ...
Helen Hanff lives in New York, on 95th Street. In 1949, atwenty-three years, she began a correspondence with the Marks & Co. booksellers in London. ...
Léonie, the servant of Musset, and Edouard, his new check lost harnesses for horses of the boat and their research will lead them to the ...
In 1970, Georges Simenon is called to the bedside of his mother. Eight days, remains with her to the hospital. Three and a half years ...
This piece of Lanie Robertson traces the life of PeggyGuggenheim through four periods, from 1963 to 1969. Enthusiastic art lover, informed collector, patron, Peggy Guggenheim ...
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BOURSE DU TRAVAIL (4/6 - 4/6) | |
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ZENITH D'AMIENS (1/25 - 1/25) | |
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AUDITORIUM MEGACITE (10/5 - 10/5) | |
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D.I.V.A - D.I.V.A.
BOURSE DU TRAVAIL (6/10 - 6/10) | |
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HALLE TONY GARNIER (3/1 - 3/1) | |
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ZENITH D'AMIENS (2/28 - 2/28) | |
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ZENITH D'AMIENS (2/28 - 3/1) | |
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