SPIDER-MAN Turn Off the Dark
– OPEN Auditions / Male Dancers
Broadway / Production; $1653/week minimum
Currently running at the Foxwoods Theatre, NYC
Producer: Michael Cohl & Jeremiah J. Harris
Director: Philip Wm. McKinley
Original Direction by: Julie Taymor
Original Choreography: Daniel Ezralow
Additional Choreography: Chase Brock
Music and Lyrics: Bono and The Edge of U2
Music Director: Kimberly Grigsby
Book: Julie Taymor, Glen Berger & Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Casting: Telsey + Company
OPEN CALL (Equity and non-Equity) / Male Dancers
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at Chelsea Studios
10:30 AM – MALE DANCERS 151 West 26th St. – 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect. No Equity monitor provided. Producer runs all aspects of the audition.
Please come warmed up and prepared to dance. Please also be prepared to stay and sing if asked – 16 bars of a pop/rock song is appropriate. Bring a picture & resume stapled together
Male Dancers:
Male, 20s-30s, all ethnicities. Strong technically trained dancers who have a strong contemporary and modern background. Looking for all types; with a quirky sense of movement and style. Knowledge of gymnastics, aerial flying and stunts a plus. Especially seeking an immediate replacement with excellent gymnastics/tricks/stunting skills. Singing is a plus but not required for all tracks. ENSEMBLE