SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY 2012 SEASON Equity Principal Auditions - Shakespeare & Company Auditions

Posted January 31, 2012
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SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY 2012 SEASON - Shakespeare & Company

Shakespeare & Company 2012 LORT Season

– Local Equity Auditions by APPOINTMENT in Lenox, MA

Lenox, MA LORT $566/week minimum.

Artistic Dir: Tony Simotes

Artistic Assocs: Elizabeth Aspenlieder, Jonathan Croy

GM: Stephen Ball

Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

11:30 AM – 7:30 PM

Break from 3 – 4.

Shakespeare & Company Founders’ Theatre

and 70 Kemble Street

Lenox MA

Sunday, February 19, 2012 Directions/more info:

10 AM – 6 PM

Lunch from 1:30 – 2:30.

Appointments/other info: or 413/637-1199, x140 (weekdays 10-4). Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout each audition day, as time permits.

Please prepare a monologue from King Lear, The Tempest, or any Shakespeare play. Be prepared to present a contrasting contemporary monologue, requested.

Please bring a picture and resume, stapled back-to-back.

Callbacks will be announced and scheduled at auditions.

All dates are in 2012. All roles that are not listed have been cast without auditions. For pre-cast roles, auditioning performers will be considered as possible (emergency) replacements, should any become necessary. All roles will be understudied.

In rep:

King Lear by William Shakespeare. Dir: Rebecca Holderness. 1st reh: 5/21. Runs 6/16-8/19.

the TempesT by William Shakespeare. Dir: Tony Simotes. 1st reh: 6/25. Runs 7/19-8/19.

Casting note: Shows run in rep. Most performers should expect to be cast in one role in KING LEAR and one role in THE TEMPEST. Extensive voice and physical practice as well as familiarity with Shakespeare & Company text methods preferred.



40-55. Oldest daughter of Lear, sister to Regan and Cordelia, married to Albany. An aristocrat, very intelligent, political and a quick thinker; gravitas and ambition, undone by jealousy and seduction.


18-25. Youngest daughter of Lear, sister to Regan and Goneril; charismatic; very passionate and strong enough in her convictions to lead an army; small in stature and build.


30-55. A big man; a fit soldier; a strong sense of humor; able to fight; a man of honor. Dialect and fight expertise required.


25-45. Servant to Goneril. Thin build with strong sense of irony and wit; political and unscrupulous. Could have a polymorphous sexuality like Alan Cumming. Fight experience required.


50-55. Husband of Regan. In conflict with his wife and perhaps dominated by her; political and intelligent. Fight experience preferred.


45-55. Husband to Goneril. Wily enough to know that his wife is conniving and passionate enough to call her on it; a soldier and aristocrat; has a clear connection to honor and responsibility to the State.



20-30. Daughter to Prospero. Naïve yet forthright; curious; loyal; passionate and compassionate.


20-35. King Alonso’s son and heir to the throne of Naples. Earnest, quick to fall in love, genuine, true but has a bit of princely arrogance. Physically adept.


50-60. King of Naples and enemy to Prospero. Of regal stature but self-involved, easily influenced, and easily moved to passion, sorrow, and/or tears.


Male, any age. A friend to Trinculo. Butler at the low-end of the social scale. A comic character with a strong affection for alcohol, singing and taking advantage of any situation. Arrogant and obnoxious.


Male, any age. A jester and friend to Stephano, also at the low-end of the social scale. A strong affection for alcohol, singing and taking advantage of any situation. Saucy.

Theatre’s statement: “All roles are acceptable for non-traditional casting unless otherwise specified; we seek and encourage participation by performers of all races and ethnicities.”

Equity auditions for Shakespeare & Company’s SPT season will be announced. Watch for separate notice.

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