M. I. A.
- Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT in Pittsburgh
The REP, Pittsburgh Playhouse SPT $302/week minimum.
Author: Bruce J. Robinson
Dir: John Amplas
1st reh: 2/21/12. Runs 3/22- 4/7.
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Monday, November 14, 2011 Lillian Russell Room at the Pittsburgh Playhouse
10 AM – 6 PM 222 Craft Avenue
Break from 2 – 3. Pittsburgh, PA 15213
For an appointment, please call PSM Alicia DeMara at 412/392-8141, or e-mail
ademara@pointpark.edu. Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day, as time permits.
Sides will be provided at the audition. Visually impaired performers may request an advance copy of the sides when making an audition appointment.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Callbacks, if needed, will be held 11/15. Actors must audition to be seen at callbacks.
This two-act play takes place now. It’s set in nearly rural Ohio – in and around the Schooler house, at a VFW meeting, and in the mind of the central character.
Frank Schooler:
63. Uses a cane because of polio. Honorable, strong, idealistic. Terrific insurance salesman. Patriotic American. Named this year’s Man of the Year by the Ohio VFW Committee on MIAs.
Kenny Bryce:
African American, early 60s. Artisan and artist. Grizzled. Principled. Frank’s best friend and next-door neighbor.
Randy Schooler:
Frank’s 19-year-old son. Hasn’t yet found himself. Charmingly boyish and/or childish.
Emmy Schooler:
Early 60s. Sensitive, religious, loving, strong. Superb homemaker, mother, wife, cook.
Maura Schooler Paultz
33. Middle child and only daughter of Frank and Emmy. Smart, sensitive, dour. Mother of two.
Michael Schooler:
Older of the Schooler boys. Appears in Frank’s mind at age 25, the age he (Michael) was when he was reported missing in action.