BILLY ELLIOT – Equity Principal Auditions / Adult Roles
Short Engagement Touring Agreement (SETA) $741/week minimum
Producers: NETworks Presentations, LLC & Nina Lannan Associates
Music: Elton John
Book/Lyrics: Lee Hall
Original Dir: Stephen Daldry
Original Co-Dir: Julian Webber
Original Choreo: Peter Darling
Dir: Justin Martin
Choreo: Kate Dunn
Mus Sprvsr: David Chase
Mus Dir TBD
GM: Gregory VanderPloeg; Gentry & Associates
Adult Casting: Tara Rubin Casting
Children Casting: Nora Brennan Casting
1st reh (adults): 9/26/11 (in NYC). 1st tour perf: 11/1/11 (in St. Louis, MO).
Equity Principal Auditions / Adult Roles:
Thursday, September 1, 2011 Pearl Studios NYC “500”
Friday, September 2, 2011 500 Eighth Avenue, 12th Floor
10 AM – 5:30 PM both days New York City
Lunch from 1:30 – 2.
Please prepare a brief, contemporary pop song. Bring sheet music in the correct key; accompanist is provided, but may not transpose.
Please bring a picture & resume, stapled back-to-back.
Based on the award-winning film.
Seeking, for the original company of the SETA touring production (all roles are available):
Note: All characters have a Northern or Geordie (northeastern England) accent.
Mrs. Wilkinson:
30s-40s. Billy's dancing teacher. Great energy, drive, determination, warmth and compassion. Doesn't suffer fools gladly. Excellent singing voice. Good comedic skills. Must be able to tap, and be a strong mover/dancer.
40s. Billy’s dad. Geordie miner. Working class. Single parent. Narrow-minded. Tries to do the best for his family. At the end of his tether. Feels sorry for himself. Role for a leading actor; needs to be able to sing.
Character is 50s-70s. Actress must be able to sing. Good dance or movement skills; tap, if possible. Good comedy skills required. Role for a character actress.
20s. Billy’s brother. Geordie miner. Outspoken. Loud, macho, up for a fight. Excellent singing voice.
Late 30s–50s. Billy’s boxing teacher. Geordie miner. Friend of Dad’s. Spokesman of the miners. Community-spirited. Working class. Excellent comedy skills. Singing not essential, and no tap required.
Casting Director’s statement: “Actors of all races and ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to attend this call.”
Note from Equity: This audition is for adult principals only. Casting for children’s roles is supervised by a different casting firm.