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I'm so glad you're taking the time to find out what's next from Kiara and Cultivated Films. I wrote Christmas Wedding Baby because I was seeing and working on all these intimate, darkly themed, tragic character dramas and I just wanted to enjoy film making again. There's a lot of stress in the independent struggle. The pressure to perform and succeed can take the wind right out of your sails. My mother finished reading one of my scripts and said to me "Paint Rainbows Baby, this doesn't sound like you." I (as usual) took her advice. I wanted to tell a fresh, fun story that audiences would enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed creating it. It's a film about what happens between people and not just to them. There's no, opus, no soapbox, no secret message, just a window into the lives of 3 fantastically complicated women and the men that try to adore them.


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