Who Played Hlabeni in Lost in the Stars

Joseph James Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
William Marshall Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
William Marshall Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949

Other Roles in Lost in the Stars

Absalom Kumalo Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Alex Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Answerer Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Arthur Jarvis Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Burton Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Edward Jarvis Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Eland Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Foreman Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Foreman/The Guard Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Grace Kumalo Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Hlabeni Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Irina Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
James Jarvis Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Jared Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Johannes Pafuri Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
John Kumalo Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Leader Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Linda Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Matthew Kumalo Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Mrs. M'kize Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Nita Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Paulus Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Policeman Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Rose Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Singer Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Stephen Kumalo Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
The Guard Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
The Judge Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
The Young Man Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
The Young Woman Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
Villager Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
White Man Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
White Woman Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
William Broadway Lost in the Stars 1949
