Happy Birthday, WAITRESS!

Dysquith13 Profile Photo
#1Happy Birthday, WAITRESS!
Posted: 4/23/17 at 11:01pm

Tomorrow, we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of WAITRESS's Broadway opening on April 24th, 2016. It is one of only four shows to still be playing on Broadway from the 2015-16 season (The other three being SCHOOL OF ROCK, ON YOUR FEET, and of course, HAMILTON.) and is continuing to go strong.

It's a lovely little score with a truly heartfelt and genuine story! I'm happy to see it still going strong!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2Happy Birthday, WAITRESS!
Posted: 4/24/17 at 9:03am

It has been over a year since I saw this, but I am going back this Saturday to see it again with Sara! 

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#3Happy Birthday, WAITRESS!
Posted: 4/24/17 at 9:19am

I often use Waitress as an example of why the arts are so important. Both the film and the musical had a profound effect on me. I saw so much of myself in Jenna- feeling stuck and lonely, with big dreams but an uncertain future- and my exposure to her story came just when I needed it most. The ending also gave me hope that, like her, I could overcome my hurdles and find happiness on my own terms.

Here's to you, Jenna Hunterson! It's amazing what "baking" can do.


#4Happy Birthday, WAITRESS!
Posted: 4/24/17 at 1:18pm

Go Waitress! :) Also incase anyone didn't know, it was the only show from the 2015-2016 season other than Hamilton to earn a profit! http://www.playbill.com/article/waitress-is-officially-a-hit-recoups-after-10-months-on-broadway