Groundhog Day

#1Groundhog Day
Posted: 7/20/16 at 11:36am

Has anyone seen it yet?!

ggersten Profile Photo
#2Groundhog Day
Posted: 7/20/16 at 1:55pm

I have not, but there are comments from people who have.

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#3Groundhog Day
Posted: 8/2/16 at 7:53am

Does anyone know if ANDY KARL stagedoors?

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#4Groundhog Day
Posted: 8/2/16 at 3:42pm

I saw it and enjoyed it. I thought the score was mediocre and ill-fitting, but my companion (who isn't as into theatre as I am) thought it was good. The show overall though is pretty great, and Andy Karl is INCREDIBLE. Like, really absolutely incredible. He came out after the Sat matinee - only three people were waiting really so I think just be as quick and respectful as possible in case he doesn't want to stop.