
Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner

Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner

#1Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/13/14 at 2:52pm

Ok, I admit the thread title is a bit dramatic (and I actually love Buble) but I came across this kid via Facebook and he blew me out of the water with his pipes and presence....which really feels like more a throwback to Sinatra/Deano/Darin than Buble. Here's his Under My Skin and Fly Me To the Moon...



Updated On: 4/13/14 at 02:52 PM

#2Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/13/14 at 4:11pm

Wow. was NOT expecting that. Color me impressed.

artscallion Profile Photo
#2Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/13/14 at 5:06pm

Great voice. But he needs to learn to stop shaking his head the entire time he sings.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

~~tiny3~~ Profile Photo
#3Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/13/14 at 6:26pm

Wowee!! Incredible natural gift...and that lower register, esp. sounds exactly like ole blue eyes. However, this young guy needs an entirely different look, and the right mentor to create his own "sound", "persona" and not just be a Sinatra impersonator., The voice, however, is so relaxed and beautiful. What a GREAT surprise! How did you find this guy, broadwayBound22?

#4Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/13/14 at 6:46pm

Glad you agree, tiny3! His video actually came up totally randomly in my FB newsfeed (I guess because I 'like' a lot of other crooners like Sinatra, Buble, Harry Connick??) I guess it must've been promoted but as you say, a genuinely nice surprise!

While I agree he should avoid the Sinatra impersonator pitfall (like Buble did) I actually feel he has a style and persona very distinct from Frank. He has more of a cheeky, comedic thing going on....reminds me a bit of Ryan Reynolds/Seth Mcfarlane actually!

Updated On: 4/13/14 at 06:46 PM

IAMWHATIAM Profile Photo
#5Move over Buble...here's the next Canadian crooner
Posted: 4/14/14 at 10:53am

While his voice is good and I might (probably not) listen to him, I would never want watch him again after seeing those videos. He comes off, to me at least, as obnoxious, a bit too fond of himself and way too schticky for my taste, and he seems like an impersonator and not his own artist. Feels like bad karaoke.

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