ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
Posted: 3/25/14 at 8:20pm

Has anyone seen this yet?

The only Durang play I've seen is VANYA AND SONIA which I enjoyed. Also thought TACT's revival of NATURAL AFFECTION was fantastic. Those things combined are making me look forward to this.
TACT Website

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/14 at 5:36pm

I would like to hear opinions too. NAtural Affection is something, as someone obsessed with Inge and I was glad it largely met positive reaction. And Beyond Therapy is one of my favorite Durang plays (I have the CD recording--I've also unfortunately seen the Altman film...)

GavestonPS Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/14 at 5:59pm

Yes, let's forget the film. But the original production made me laugh harder than any play I can name.

That John Lithgow could be so brilliant in that comedy AND in the tragic M. BUTTERFLY is really quite an accomplishment. (And his CDs for children aren't bad either! My grandkids got us all hooked.)

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/14 at 6:01pm

He does kids CDs? It's funny, growing up I knew him first (I think) from 3rd Rock and then some of his campy thriller turns (like in DePalma's Raising Caine which Ikinda love but seems to be DePalma mocking his own films.)

The film of Beyond Therapy makes me happy that the Altman version of Angels in America never happened.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
Posted: 3/26/14 at 8:41pm

I saw it. It is a sharp, fun production, bright and colorful, with a cute set and a few very good comic performances. But this material is very much of its time. I don't want to say "dated", but yeah, kind of. There are tons of pop culture references in the play that a lot of today's audience won't get and don't get. To that end, there is a lengthy glossary in the program defining these references, if people happen to read it. That was a smart move on TACT's part, but I have to say, the night I saw it, you could have heard a pin drop many times at certain "punch lines". I love Durang's plays and I hope this gets good reviews.

StageStruckLad Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/14 at 8:56pm

I thought the lead male and female couple were wonderful and especially loved her (don't have the Playbill here and can't remember their names). The woman who plays his crazy therapist is also very good. I thought the man who plays her crazy therapist came off a bit menacing and not amusingly wacky (at one point he calls his patient a c**t, and some in the audience gasped). I didn't mind the dated references, but then again I'm old enough to remember some of them!

Posted: 3/31/14 at 4:41pm

rush tickets?? anyone know?