
StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?

StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?

#1StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?
Posted: 4/18/14 at 11:31am

When people are on national tours at the Boston Opera House, do the performers generally use the stage door on Mason St? Does anybody ever use the lobby? I think the front lobby and its entrance are closer to some of the hotels than the stagedoor, but the Boston Opera House is so huge i would think it take a person a lot of hallways and corridors to get to their dressing areas by going through the front lobby. Any info would be appreciated.

#2StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?
Posted: 4/18/14 at 12:06pm

I live right by the opera house. Most casts do indeed exit through the stage door.

#2StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?
Posted: 4/18/14 at 12:12pm

thanks. are there generally very few people at this stagedoor? I mean fan-wise. It seems kinda hard to find, i would think the average theatre patron would not know about this location unless they did a lot of research

#3StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?
Posted: 4/18/14 at 12:23pm

It's not that complicated.

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#4StageDoor at BOSTON Opera House info?
Posted: 4/19/14 at 12:46am

Having stage doored there a couple of times for The Book of Mormon I can safely say that the stage door is the most used entrance/exit. I believe everyone in that cast used the stage door. The times I was there it was either none or just a couple of other people. Unless you say something to the actors is likely they'll just walk off as three are no barricades or anything where you can obviously stand to get autographs.
If you are going for The Book of Mormon I can coniform that they are all super nice people!!

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.
