
Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?

Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?

#1Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/15/08 at 8:17pm

I am only asking because I found out that Kenwright is one of the producers for the Broadway revival of Guys and Dolls. I have heard horror stories on the West End board. But, exactly how bad is he. And what kinds of things will we as a Broadway audience have to endure in this production of Guys and Dolls?

Goodbye Sister Disco

keithp Profile Photo
#2re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/15/08 at 8:37pm

Firstly I have no connection with Kenwright but I do think he gets a bit of a hard time. There would have been many theatres dark over the years if it hadn't been for his productions. Many of his shows have been very good, good production values and quality shows. Some have not. He obviously looks after costs but isn't that what a commercial theatre producer is supposed to do? I think some of the people on the London board (wearing rose tinted specs) forget that in the non-subsidised sector, producers need to show a profit or they won't be around for very long. He has employed a lot of actors over the years and people do work for him again.
So how bad? - not that bad,not all good - in my opinion.

legallysam Profile Photo
#2re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:00am

"I think some of the people on the London board (wearing rose tinted specs) forget that in the non-subsidised sector, producers need to show a profit "

I don't think we forget this to be honest. I know the main aim of a producer is to make a profit out of a show, but at what cost? I agree there's been some good things said about some of his tours, however the man himself is renowned for being very tight when it comes to money, (wasn't he named as paying the least amount of money to his cast in any west end/touring show? correct me if im wrong).

It's about creating a balance, not spending megabucks, but still making a show look kinda classy, upmarket, and professional as opposed to amateur, something a lot of producers have managed to do over the years. But im sure he's not the only producer of Guys and Dolls, so im sure you'll be alright :)

jaqs Profile Photo
#3re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 5:04am

He has a reputation for paying poorly and employs a lot of recent grads to do this, which in turn means he gives a lot of people their start, which in turn means he employs some people who should be nowhere near a professional stage.

Despite putting out some very poor quality stuff(Joseph tour we're looking at you) he does some good too and seems to really love musical theatre.

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#4re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 5:29am

Despite putting out some very poor quality stuff(Joseph tour we're looking at you) he does some good too and seems to really love musical theatre.

I agree and, though I know that his shows don't always have a biggest and best production values, I admire his obvious enthusiasm for theatre - Festen, bringing in the The Big Life from Stratford East and the RSC Jacobean plays even excuse producing 'Can't smile without you' in my opinion re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?

#5re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 5:40am

Is "Can't Smile" still touring? I want to ride the trainwreck express!

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#6re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 6:19am

'Cant Grin Without You' hasn't announced the 'promised' 2009 dates as yet.
As someone who worked with Kenwright over 20 years ago and sometimes now will have contact tru work, I'd just say that he had a bad reputation then and that has only gotten worse. He has total disregard for performers and crew and simply thinks about spinning out the cheapest product and making as much money on the way as he pours his hearrt into his beloved Everton football club.
Not one of the theatrical greats he would like to think he is.
Updated On: 12/16/08 at 06:19 AM

lovepigeon Profile Photo
#7re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 10:24am

Got to agree with Mama here... he's also been, on accasion, less than complimentary about his show's audiences. I must say, when I saw the imagery for Guys & Dolls on one of my rare forays onto the B/W board (shudder), I thought it had a whiff of Kenwright about it. He probably had nothing to do with it, it's just me adding theatre + sh*t and coming up with Kenwright, as I do so often.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#8re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 11:10am

Hes crap to work for (pay wise) and you would not believe some of the sets they use, the age of them and the safety of them, he also likes to get the most out of his performers (ie keeps randomly adding on show dates at the last min to the point where you can be doing 12 performances a week)

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#9re: Excactly how bad is Bill Kenwright?
Posted: 12/16/08 at 3:03pm

I believe when Bill is not producing, he does a bit of moonlighting for Cameron Mackintosh as 'Fagin' in Oliver, "you want more".

Cue some images mama!
