
OK, so I turned off my ad blocker

OK, so I turned off my ad blocker

Farmer's Daughter Profile Photo
Farmer's Daughter
#1OK, so I turned off my ad blocker
Posted: 7/19/16 at 12:59pm

And, honestly, compared to a lot of other sites, the ads (so far, knock wood) here on BWW are not that bad. I can deal with seeing ads like this. Not sure if everybody sees the same ones or how/if they are selected according to what someone's posted or looked for or read here or whatever. Some of this stuff, I don't even know what it is exactly, so I may be tempted to click out of curiosity.  But yeah, so far, not bad, nothing that strikes me as the ad equivalent of nails scraping a chalkboard.

Edit: Oh okay, so what threads you read counts. What I get for going into a political thread. But I was able to click near the top of the ad, which took me to a google.com page that let me set things to never have to see that ad again. (We'll see if it works.)

formerly JbaraFan1 8/14/04-2/14/16
Updated On: 7/19/16 at 12:59 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#2OK, so I turned off my ad blocker
Posted: 7/19/16 at 7:33pm

Oh it used to be horrid Like... so bad... like audio spewing ads you could not turn off... Pro Prop 8 ads...
