American Sitcoms Remade in UK

#1American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/17/14 at 10:55pm

I found this while researching Elaine Stritch's career. I didn't know that she did a British version of Maude called Nobody's Perfect with Richard Griffiths playing her husband.

And there was also a British version of Golden Girls called Brighton Belles.

Ok, we have got to come to some type of international agreement on sharing tv shows. I've got to see these.


If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 7/17/14 at 10:55 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 3:15am

I thought it was the other way around. Aren't all American shows based on a far superior British version?

#2American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 9:37am

Well, that's true most of the time. All in the Family, Three's Company, Sanford & Son and Shameless were all based on Brit shows. And I have a very strong feeling that America is going to make a US version of Vicious.

But if you watch the UK show Breathless, you'll see how it stole, stole, stole from Mad Men.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#3American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:25am

Yeah it goes both ways. Wasn't the dreadful Coupling a British attempt at aping the success of Friends?

#4American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:35am

"Wasn't the dreadful Coupling a British attempt at aping the success of Friends?"

I think partially it was. Although Coupling was more about "dating and sex." The original premise of Friends was just a bunch of people hanging out together. I think Friends began to lose steam when the friends started hooking up with each other. It became a different show. And Coupling couldn't be that dreadful because America tried a version of it which was really dreadful.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

darquegk Profile Photo
#5American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:39am

I enjoyed Coupling UK, not Coupling US. Then again, I'm a big Moffat fan, even though his tendency to derail characters and engage in rampant sexism and misogyny had surfaced even before he ventured into sci-fi.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#6American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 10:47am

TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT was also based on a Brit comedy as well: "Keep it in the Family"

RippedMan Profile Photo
#7American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 4:50pm

The Brits don't do reality TV though, right?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#8American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 5:00pm

@RippedMan - are you joking? They practically invented reality television as we know it today.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#9American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 5:01pm

Of course they do reality TV!

Simon Fuller created Pop Idol, which became American Idol over here and then spread to countless other nations.

Simon Cowell created The X Factor in the UK before bringing it over here.

Big Brother began as a Dutch show, but is currently in its 15th cycle in Britain.

Susan Boyle may be one of the most famous reality show contestants worldwide and James Corden has a movie coming out where he plays Paul Potts, the opera singer who won Britain's Got Talent.

One Direction was formed on British reality TV.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#10American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 5:13pm

Coupling UK is a fantastic show! Coupling US sucked.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#11American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 5:30pm

"Yeah it goes both ways. Wasn't the dreadful Coupling a British attempt at aping the success of Friends? "

It was much more satirical and sex based--I suppose the basic setup was similar in that it was a group of female and male 20something friends? I've NEVER heard the UK version described as dreadful before! Wow--I only caught some of it when our PBS used to air it, but I remember finding it quite funny. NBC's remake, on the other hand, which was almost word for word was odd--because somehow every single scene or joke that had worked with the other cast (and in British accents American Sitcoms Remade in UK ) was now, to use your word, dreadful. It made writer Steven Moffat's name in the industry, and a number of the actors went on to quite a bit of success. Of course Jack Davenport was already a TV star thanks to the UK TV phenom This Life (a show I love, and that NBC also tried to remake as First Years--I think it aired one more episode than the Coupling remake...)

Randomly, here in Canada we are about to get a remake of the brilliant 2005 Joanna Lumley sitcom (well it doesn't have a laugh track, but..) Sensitive Skin on HBO Canada. Kim Catrall wanted to do the remake and is the producer and star--the cast is mainly Canadian, like her, though I have some hopes because Joanna Gleason is one of the co-stars. Apparently so far there are no plans to show it in the US (the Canadian adaptation is by Bob Martin--the star and bookwriter of Drowsy Chaperone as well as a head writer on Slings and Arrows so it has a decent pedigree as far as remakes go.)

Not sure if there have been Canadian remakes on TV before (not counting some failed attempts at creating English versions of French-Canadian hits.) Unless you count Queer as Folk which did have largely a Canadian production and writing team, was co-financed here and filmed here but had a mostly American cast...

Updated On: 7/18/14 at 05:30 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#12American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 5:54pm

The short-lived MEN BEHAVING BADLY was a redo of a Brit show, as was QUEER AS FOLK, of course.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#13American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 6:39pm

We could be here all night if we were naming American remakes of UK shows Didn't we have a thread on that?

I believe the UK remake of Who's the Boss, The Upper Hand actually was a massive hit, and ran for 100 episodes--rare for UK shows. Also, when I lived in London in 1999, there was an awful That 70s Show remake that apparently used the same script, called Days Like These.

#14American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 8:34pm

"Randomly, here in Canada we are about to get a remake of the brilliant 2005 Joanna Lumley sitcom (well it doesn't have a laugh track, but..) Sensitive Skin on HBO Canada."

Which I don't understand. Sensitive Skin is not bad, it just not all that. I can think of other projects Kim could do that would be better choices.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#15American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 9:00pm

One of my favorites, Mad About You, was remade in the UK sometime in the 90s as "Loved by You". I've never actually seen it, I just know of its existence. It was probably dreadful.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

HorseTears Profile Photo
#16American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/18/14 at 11:24pm

@Eric - yeah, sue me, but I couldn't stand the original UK Coupling. I never saw the US adaptation. This Life, though, was fantastic. Interesting that Catral's remaking Sensitive Skin. I only caught one or two episodes and I thought it was a very slight show, but that Lumley was marvelous. Will have to try and find that one to finish it - thanks for the reminder.

#17American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 12:35am

***spoiler alert***

Is Kim starting the show before or after the husband dies?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#18American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 4:36am

"Which I don't understand. Sensitive Skin is not bad, it just not all that. I can think of other projects Kim could do that would be better choices."

I agree. Catrall, in her radio spot, went on about how it has stuck with her. But the only clip from the show is THE SAME as the intro to Lumley's show. I have faith, but...

VeraCharles3 Profile Photo
#19American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 9:35am

Thank you Gothampc - I have never heard of Nobody's Perfect. Sadly I have heard of and seen Brighton Belles - it was awful, do yourself a favour and avoid it.

Eric - I really liked Sensitive Skin - it's a very slight sitcom but as a vehicle, I can understand why Kim Catrall would be drawn to it. I think I read that Joanna Lumley isn't impressed that it is being re-made.

PS - Eric - if you enjoyed Sensitive Skin - have a look at Up in Town - it was a series of 10 minute episodes, Joanna Lumley delivering monologues to camera - talking about her past. I loved this when I first saw it. All this talk of Sensitive Skin reminded me of it - so thank you American Sitcoms Remade in UK

#20American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 12:22pm

"Sadly I have heard of and seen Brighton Belles - it was awful, do yourself a favour and avoid it."

Vera Charles, that just makes me want to see it all the more. Awful can be interesting.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#21American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 1:21pm

I guess I didn't mean reality TV like that. That's just game shows. I mean like Real Housewives type stuff. I was watching "Ladies of London" on Bravo, and they talked about how there wasn't anything like that in the UK.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#22American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/19/14 at 4:15pm

Have you never heard of the UK phenomena aka TOWIE? They also have a Geordie Shore which is as big as Jersey Shore was in the UK. The world is not safe...

RippedMan Profile Photo
#23American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/20/14 at 12:26am

Ha! Gross. I haven't watched much UK Tv, except for Gavin and Stacy which is awesome.

Hulmeman Profile Photo
#24American Sitcoms Remade in UK
Posted: 7/20/14 at 4:08am

Of those remade in the UK programmes, the only one I enjoyed was "The Upper Hand" and mainly I think because Honour Blackman was a great fit for the part of the man mad character. I was disappointed when "Brighton Belles" failed. It should have been a good fit with the cast which had been assembled, but it didn't work. I think partly because of our fondness for the original (not just me, it was widely popular here). The situations created and the dialogue that followed was just so well - American and that's the way it should have stayed. Same applies to shows like "Friends", "Frasier", "Big Bang Theory", to name but three, we like the Americanisms in them.

My view is that we Brits like our home grown situation comedy to be broader, more earthy or more farcical if they are to identify with our sense of humour. In support of my view, I point to shows like "Fawlty Towers", "Only fools and horses", "Absolutely Fabulous",and "The Royale Family".

There are exceptions for example "The Office" and even perhaps "Gavin and Stacey" but these also trade on another national trait of "being in on the joke". In "The Office", we know Brent is an idiot and in "Gavin and Stacey" the distrust between people of different nationality within our own shores (English v.Welsh).

Well that's my theory anyway!

Updated On: 7/20/14 at 04:08 AM
