Posted: 4/19/14 at 1:51pm

Hey guys!

I'm 16 years old, from England, and I'm hoping to go to drama school. I've created a new blog on Tumblr to post about my journey and write about what I'm doing and where I'm at. I love being on stage and I've loved it as long as I can remember.

I'm hoping to go to drama school when I'm 18, which means that I'll be applying later this year and auditions could start any time after that!

It'd be really great if you guys could check out the blog and let me know if you think it's a good idea. Thanks!


FishermanBob Profile Photo
Posted: 4/19/14 at 7:17pm

Rebecca, I'm guessing you started the blog cause YOU thought it was a good idea. So why ask others what they think? If you feel it is a good idea, then go for it. This is exactly the kind of confidence in your own judgment and abilities you will need as you encounter the obstacles life throws at us all. Pace yourself. You don't need to have a new comment everyday unless there is something really new to share with people. And I think your parents gave you some very wise advice about having a back-up plan. Creating one doesn't mean you feel any less strongly or confident in your first choice. It's just acknowledging the reality that we don't always get everything we want. Not saying you won't but better to have one you don't need to use than needing one and not having it. Good luck. Cheers!
