Him on Stage Videos - Broadway

In Performance Video: Joey Slotnick & C.J. Wilson in Buffini's DYING FOR IT
by Caryn Robbins - Jan 13, 2015

In today's New York Time's In Performance video, Joey Slotnick and C.J. Wilson perform a scene from Moira Buffini's dark comedy DYING FOR IT, an adaptation of Nikolai Erdman's 1928 play 'The Suicide.'

TV: Sneak Peek at Rehearsals of CSO's VOICES OF SILENCE Commemorating 9/11
by Christina Mancuso - Feb 7, 2014

Music Director Riccardo Muti leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in the Chicago premiere of Voices from the Silence by renowned Italian film composer Ennio Morricone. Check out highlights below!
