(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Society Girl)

(The College Club)

(Village Cut-Up)

(nicknamed "A Jolly Baron")

(Society Girl)

(The College Club)

(The College Club)

(Society Girl)

(Society Girl)

(Louis Baron's father, President National Glue Comp)

(Society Girl)

(Society Girl)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(who has never been to sea, sea?)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Society Girl)

(in love with Louis)

(Society Girl)

(The College Club)

(The College Club)

(Society Girl)

(Village Cut-Up)

(a lady slavey)

(a lady from Porto Rico)

(The College Club)

(The College Club)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(Village Cut-Up)

(who owns the mill and is in on Paradise Springs)

(Julia's father, President International Glue Compa)
