Carson Elrod, a versatile actor whose journey began with a transformative audition for Stephen Sondheim's *Assassins* in college, brought his profound understanding of storytelling to life in *The Heir Apparent*. more...
Claire Karpen, who played in David Ives's *The Heir Apparent* directed by John Rando at Classic Stage Company, boasts an impressive resume that spans acting, writing, and directing, with training from Juilliard and Brown University. more...
David Pittu, known for his versatile talents on and off Broadway, brought his extensive experience to the cast of "The Heir Apparent," showcasing his remarkable range and depth in this past production. more...
Paxton Whitehead, who brought a wealth of experience from his extensive career in repertory and Broadway, was a notable member of the cast of "The Heir Apparent," showcasing his enduring talent and versatility in the world of theatre. more...
Awards and Nominations
2015 The Lortels
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play : Carson Elrod was nominated but did not win.