MBAA Announces Inaugural Legacy Ball
by Stephi Wild
- Oct 24, 2022
The Memphis Black Arts Alliance, in celebration of 4 decades of service to Greater Memphis, is gearing up for the largest event in their 40 Year history - The Memphis Black Arts Legacy Ball. The Memphis Black Arts Legacy Ball honors African American Artists from Memphis, TN who have made an outstanding impact in national and/or global artistry.
STAGE TUBE: 'IDOL' Star Adam Lambert On Access Hollywood
by Eddie Varley
- Aug 10, 2009
AMERICAN IDOL season eight favorite took some time out of his busy schedule with 'IDOL ROCKS LIVE' and answered fans questions for Access Hollywood in Los Angeles. You can watch the the interview right here on STAGE TUBE!
STAGE TUBE: Adam Lambert On Paula Abdul's 'IDOL' Exit To RollingStone
by Eddie Varley
- Aug 8, 2009
AMERICAN IDOL judge Paula Abdul's stunning departure from the show has left both her producers and fans in shock. 'IDOL' favorite Adam Lambert tells that it will be difficult to replace the unique qualities Abdul brought to the show in her eight seasons.
STAGE TUBE: Adam Lambert On The 'IDOL ROCKS LIVE' Tour
by Eddie Varley
- Jul 31, 2009
The American Idols Tour is 'hitting the road' this summer. The top 10 finalists, Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta, Anoop Desai, Danny Gokey, Kris Allen, Lil Rounds, Matt Giraud, Megan Joy, Michael Sarver, and Scott MacIntyre, all are taking the stage on a 50 city tour which began July 5th.
'AMERICAN IDOL Hits the Road', Tour Launches in Portland 7/5
by BWW News Desk
- Jul 5, 2009
The American Idols Tour 'hits the road' this summer. It was announced today that he top 10 finalists, Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta, Anoop Desai, Danny Gokey, Kris Allen, Lil Rounds, Matt Giraud, Megan Joy, Michael Sarver, and Scott MacIntyre, will take the stage on a 50 city tour beginning July 5th.