Catalina Jazz Club Will Host California Jazz And Blues Museum Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony and Barbara Morrison's Birthday Celebration Concert
by Stephi Wild
- Sep 9, 2018
1st Annual California Jazz & Blues Museum Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony Fundraiser and Barbara Morrison's Birthday Celebration Concert, a fundraiser for the Museum to develop their digital arts program, to introduce basic coding, Android development, organizational structures, basic computer competencies and create an interactive section in the Museum which will give visitors an open source digital portal to the vast historical collection of Jazz & Blues available at the Museum and throughout Los Angeles. The museum's goal is to raise $25,000.00. The purpose of the Inductee Ceremony is to recognize local, national and international Jazz & Blues legends for their contributions to the music industry.
Columbus Jazz Musicians to be Inducted Into Lincoln Theatre Walk of Fame
by Tyler Peterson
- Jun 29, 2015
Jazz organist Bobby Floyd, jazz saxophonist Carl Sally, and jazz vocalist Nancy Wilson will take their place on the Lincoln Theatre Walk of Fame in an induction ceremony on Saturday, July 25, at 7 pm. Sponsored by the State Auto Insurance Companies, the event is free and open to the public.