Burning Coal Theatre Company Presents OAKWOOD IN MAY â€" ONLY TIME WILL TELL
by A.A. Cristi
- May 8, 2018
History comes (back) to life in Downtown Raleigh with annual series of plays. Burning Coal Theatre Company partners with the historic Oakwood Cemetery to present another series of plays about the fascinating folks who came before. The 2018 series will run May 18, 19, and 20 at the Oakwood Cemetery, 701 Oakwood Ave., Raleigh, NC. Friday and Saturday performances will be at 6:30 pm; Sunday performance begins at 2:00 pm. Tickets ($20/adults, $10/students) will be sold on the day of the performance or are available by phone (919-834-4001). Parking is available inside the cemetery. Additional information can be found at www.burningcoal.org.