GOOD MEN – Equity Principal Auditions
Flat Rock Playhouse Flat Rock NC LOA Weekly minimums: $758/ (PRISONER); $455 (MEN).
Casting: Dave Clemmons Casting
Equity Principal Auditions:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Actors' Equity Association Audition Center
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 165 West 46th Street, 2nd Floor
Lunch from 1 - 2. New York City
Please prepare a brief monologue, representative of the show/role for which you are auditioning.
Please bring a picture & resume, stapled together.
THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE by Neil Simon. Dir: Paige Posey. 1st reh: 10/12/10. Closes 11/21.
Mel Edison is fired from a well-paying executive position. Mel’s wife Edna takes a job to tide them over. She too is soon fired. With the air-pollution killing his plants, and with the walls of the apartment paper-thin, allowing him a constant earful of his neighbors’ private lives, things can't seem to get any worse for Mel ... and then he's robbed, and his psychiatrist dies with $23,000 of his money. Mel does the only thing left for him to do: he has a nervous breakdown … and it's the best thing that ever happened to him.
Mel Edison:
Early – mid 40s. Role for an excellent comic actor. Must be eminently likable. Paul Reiser or Steve Carell type.
Edna Edison:
Early – mid 40s. Mel’s wife. Role for an excellent comic actress. Also should be very likable. Tina Fey or Marisa Tomei type.
A FEW GOOD MEN by Aaron Sorkin. Dir: Vincent Marini. 1st reh: 9/21/10. Runs 10/9-10/31. May extend to 11/7.
Drama about the trial of two Marines for complicity in the death of a fellow Marine at Guantanamo Bay. The Navy lawyer, a callow young man more interested in softball games than the case, expects a plea bargain and a cover-up of what really happened. Prodded by a female member of his defense team, the lawyer eventually makes a valiant effort to defend his clients and, in so doing, puts the military mentality and the Marine Code of Honor on trial.
Lt. Col. Nathan Jessup:
40s-50s. Commanding officer of the Marine Ground Forces in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Sharp, intimidating, inscrutable and unquestionably in command. Lives and breathes the Marine Corps Code of Honor, and will stop at nothing to uphold it. Original Broadway cast: Stephen Lang. Film: Jack Nicholson.
Lt. Cmdr. Joanne Galloway:
30s. Bright, ambitious, idealistic attorney for the Judge Advocate General. Smart, driven woman in a mans world; gives as good as she gets. Tough but feminine; attractive but not disarming. Original Broadway cast: Megan Gallagher. Film: Demi Moore.
Lt. J. G. Sam Weinberg:
Late 30s. Wisecracking JAG attorney. Friend and co-counsel to Lt. Kaffee in the defense trial of two Marines. Smart and supportive, but conflicted about his clients’ involvement in the death of a weaker member of their unit. The conscience of the play. Original Broadway cast: Mark Nelson. Film: Kevin Pollak.
Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson:
Early 20s. Theatre states that it prefers to cast this role as African American, but that this is not essential. Tall and well-built. Strong, proud Marine, accused of Murder and Conduct Unbecoming a US Marine. Respected leader of the other junior enlisted men in his unit at Guantanamo Bay. Intelligent and honorable, but unquestioning of the authority of his superiors.