THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL (Broadway) Equity Actors - Producing Org TBD Auditions

Posted September 18, 2023
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THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL (Broadway) - Producing Org TBD

THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL (Broadway) - Equity video submissions

Producing Org TBD | ,

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Thursday, September 28, 2023

5:55 PM - 6:00 PM (E)


Production (League)

$2537 weekly minimum


Equity actors for roles in THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL (Broadway) (See breakdown).

All Equity stage managerial positions have been filled.


Please prepare a short pop rock song from the 1980’s that shows style and range, OR you may use one of the selections provided here:


Via Submission

New York, NY 10036


Producer: Hunter Arnold, Tyler Mitchell, The Heart of Rock & Roll Broadway, LLC Book: Jonathan Abrams

Story by: Tyler Mitchell and Jonathan Abrams

Inspired by the Music of Huey Lewis and the News

Director: Gordon Greenberg

Choreographer: Lorin Latarro

Musical Supervisor and Arranger: Brian Usifer

General Management: RCI Theatricals

Casting: Tara Rubin Casting/Peter Van Dam, CSA

Viewing submissions:

Casting Director: Peter Van Dam CSA


1st Rehearsal: Mid-February 2024

Opening: April 2024


As part of a pilot program created in the new agreement for Production: Broadway and Sit Downs, the employer will accept 126 video submissions from Equity members. Members will sign up online for one of the 126 slots. Only members who get one of the 126 slots will receive a confirmation e-mail with the preparation and submission information. After members' submissions have been viewed, the employer will notify each member who viewed their audition.

An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.

Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.



These characters can be Black, Latine, MENASA, API, Indigenous, mixed, or white.


BOBBY – Early to mid 30s, male presenting - Formerly the lead singer of a failed rock band in 1980’s Chicago (think John Hughes movie), Bobby is full of charisma and charm – and a couple of years later, he is now working at a family-run cardboard company in Milwaukee trying to figure his life out. A cross between a young John Cusack and Matt Healy/Lenny Kravitz, he’s passionate, lavish and impulsive – and a little rough around the edges. His ambition is fueled by the complicated legacy of his alcoholic father. Star presence on stage; a rock tenor voice and hugely compelling and comedic.

CASSANDRA - ROLE IS ON OFFER. Early to mid 30s, female presenting - Charmingly neurotic and awkward, she’s a “numbers girl” who has left her high-powered finance job to help her father save the family company in the wake of her mother’s death. Often stuck in her head and weighed down by self doubt, her attempts to act like a boss are usually hilarious. She struggles to let herself live in the moment – until she meets Bobby. Think young Madeline Kahn meets Issa Rae. An excellent comic with star presence and pop/rock vocals.

ROZ: ROLE IS ON OFFER. 40s, female presenting – Smart, put together, quick witted woman who heads up human resources for Stone’s company. Having been forced out of the music department at Howard University by her mother, Roz has a soft spot for Bobby, a fellow refugee from the music industry. An excellent comic with major vocals, big pop/rock belter.

STONE – ROLE IS ON OFFER. early 60s, male presenting - Cassandra's Father, Bobby's boss and now a widower, he is a former ball player and all-around good guy, trying to manage the grief from the loss of his wife. With the corporate upheavals of the 1980’s encroaching, his family business can’t compete - and is suffering. He is secretly paying for budget shortfalls and even payroll – by mortgaging his house. Unwilling to make changes, he is still holding onto his wife’s memory by preserving the company as it was when she was alive. He is grounded, kind-hearted athletic and buoyant with a baritone voice with high falsetto.

TUCKER: ROLE IS ON OFFER. 30s, male presenting – a 1980’s poster boy for preppy style, he seems to have stepped directly out the pages of the Princeton catalogue (his alma mater) encompassing everything we remember about an 80’s Yuppy (young urban professional). A fiercely competitive financier, he is used to getting everything (and everyone) he wants. So he has still not recovered from losing Cassandra when she went home after her mother died. A technically perfect physical specimen, he has something of the Ted Bundy living just behind the eyes. Either he wins or everyone else loses. He is sharp, smart, witty and highly physically adroit with a strong pop-tenor voice.

PAIGE - Early to mid 30s, female presenting – Cassandra's highly opinionated and vocal best friend from college, she is a new mother feeling all the postpartum madness (real and imagined) that comes with a new stage of life, marriage and friendships. Eager to recapture the freewheeling feeling of being young and open, she projects some of her own issues onto Cassandra – but ultimately discovers a new version of herself when she takes over a flailing aerobics class and finds her inner Richard Simmons/Jane Fonda. She is uniquely spirited, funny, and fearless with strong pop vocals.

FJORD - 40s, male presenting – the CEO and inventor of an IKEA-like Swedish furnishing company, he is an idiosyncratic business genius, expert in controlling people by sending bizarrely mixed signals and keeping them guessing at all times. An immigrant to Sweden, he speaks with a somewhat indecipherable Nordic dialect, influenced by his international upbringing by a series of nannies and ultra-wealthy world peripatetic parents. A lonely overgrown rich kid who never learned to make genuine connections, he ultimately finds joy and satisfaction in becoming part of the “Stone family.” A brilliant comic with a good singing voice.

ELI – ROLE IS ON OFFER. late 20s - 30, male presenting – Bobby’s younger cousin, he is the innocent, thoughtful heart of the band. And its drummer. He pulls at Bobby’s heartstrings – and ours - when he reminds him of where he came from, why he started playing music, and what his father wanted before he died. He is soulful and witty with an excellent pop rock tenor. Drumming not necessary but understanding of it is a plus.

GLENN – ROLE IS ON OFFER. mid-30s, male presenting – considers himself to be the realist of the band, but he may actually just be angry at life. A bass player with a need to sing lead every once in a while, he wants to be seen/heard. Rather than looking for new ideas, he clings to old grudges and paradigms that keep him from embracing the opportunities in front of him. Also, he still lives in his mother’s basement. An excellent comic with an excellent pop rock tenor. Bass playing not necessary but understand of it is a plus.

JJ – ROLE IS ON OFFER. mid-30s, male presenting – Earnest and kind-hearted, slightly stoned at all times, he lives in the moment with a brain that functions slowwwwly, as if the gears are rusty but determined to work. He takes everything more seriously than he should – which makes him quite funny without realizing it. A guitar player happy being in the background, he stays out of the in-fighting and is always up for giving people another chance. An excellent comic with soul and a pop rock bari tenor voice. Guitar playing not necessary but understanding of it is a plus.

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