GODEL Submission - Showcase Auditions

Posted February 13, 2018
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GODEL - Showcase

GODEL - NYC Appointments

William Hugel


NYC auditions to be held on an upcoming date TBD.


Showcase-NY $50 stipend


Actors for a staged reading of GODEL at Theatre For The New City, NYC, NY March 12, 7PM, tech same day, tech time TBD

Play description: GÖDEL consists of two acts, with a running time of about 90 minutes.

The cast includes one woman,
40s, and six men, early 30s to early 70s.


For consideration, email Tony Tambasco at tambascot@yahoo.com ASAP.




Feb 25: 12 PM - 6 PM
March 4: 12 PM - 6 PM
March 11: 1 PM - 4 PM


Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.


Synopsis: As Julian arrives to visit his brilliant physicist friend in a psychiatric hospital in Princeton, NJ, he finds that
Richard has stopped speaking. He wheedles it out of him that it is all because of Kurt Gödel, and what this man,
considered the greatest logician since Aristotle and the only person that Albert Einstein considers an equal, has
proved. But to understand exactly what Kurt Gödel did prove we must delve back over forty years, retracing the story
of this motley crew of mathematicians and physicists as they discover the secret of the first atom bomb, struggle with
terrible prejudices within the scientific community, and risk madness to discover the mind of god.

KURT GÖDEL: Man, 40-70. Mathematician. The only person Albert Einstein considered an equal. Suffers from hypochondria, a severe eating disorder and paranoia. Thin to the point of ill-health.

ADELE: Woman, 40-50. Gödel's wife. A former dancer. Cosmopolitan. Dotes on her husband but is worn down by his eccentricities.

ALBERT EINSTEIN: Man, 65-70. Good-humored, robust, but also increasingly lonely and isolated as the advances in physics have left him behind.

DAVID: Man, 30-60. Physicist. Excitable, abstracted, brilliant but unstable.

JULIAN: Man, 30-60. Physicist. Clever, urbane. Scarred from being persecuted under the Nazi regime for being homosexual.

JOHN: Man, 30-60. Mathematician. Melancholic, thoughtful and kind.

DR CHANNING: Man. 30s. Psychiatrist. Enthusiastic, credulous.

GODDESS: Woman. 40s. Classical Goddess of Wisdom. Should be same actor as ADELE.


Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

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