Call Type Equity Principal
Date of Audition 4/4/2011
Location Circle Theatre 230 West Fourth Street Fort Worth, TX 76102
Time(s) Monday & Tuesday April 4th AND 5th 6-10pm
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Appointments Gary Payne
817.877.3040 (noon - 5:00pm Tuesday - Friday)
Contract SPT $195/wk
Seeking Please see breakdown.
Preparation Monologues and sides posted on the website at: Perusal copies of scripts available at Circle Theatre and at S.TA.G.E. (for members only).`
Other Dates Please see breakdown.
Other Alan Shorter - Musical Director - THE FANTASTICKS
Personnel Robin Armstrong-Director - BECKY'S NEW CAR & SEVEN IN ONE BLOW Harry Parker - Director - MARVIN'S ROOM & THE FANTASTICKS
MARVIN'S ROOM - First rehearsal 5/2 - Previews May 26th & runs through June 25th BECK'S NEW CAR - First reharsal 7/5 - Previews July 28th & runs through August 27th THE FANTASTICKS - First rehearsal 8/29 - Previews September 22nd & runs through October 22nd SEVEN IN ONE BLOW or THE BRAVE LITTLE KID - First rehearsal October 24th & runs through December 17th
MARVIN'S ROOM: Bessie, a woman of 40 Dr. Wally, 30 or older Ruth, a woman of 70 Bob, Dr. Wally’s brother – not the sharpest tool in the shed Lee, Bessie’s younger sister, a woman in her late 30s Dr. Charlotte, a Psychiatrist, 30s or older Hank, Lee’s older son, 17 Charlie, Lee’s younger son, 12, thick glasses Retirement Home Director, any age/gender Note: The roles of Dr. Charlotte and the Retirement Home Director will be played by the same actor and the actor playing Bob will also play the Gopher at Disney World and also the voice of Marvin.
BECKY'S NEW CAR: Becky (Rebecca) Foster, a woman in her 40s Joe Foster, Becky’s husband, a roofer, 40s Chris Foster, their son, a psychology student, 20s Walter Flood, a very wealthy businessman, widowed, 60s Kensington (Kenni) Flood, Walter’s daughter, 20s Steve, Becky’s co-worker, widowed, 50s Ginger, a neighbor of Walter’s, single, 50s
THE FANTASTICKS: The Narrator (El Gallo) – A rakish handsome gallant; a dashing, articulate bandit. (25–50) Baritone: A flat – High G The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee) – Former navy man, meticulous gardener. (35+) Baritone: A – High F sharp The Girl’s Father (Bellomy) – A merchant, also a picky gardener. (35+) Baritone: A – High F sharp The Man Who Dies (Mortimer) – Henry’s goofy sidekick. (30+) – Non-singing. Note: Remaining roles in The Fantasticks have either been cast or will be cast through Theatre TCU. The role of Mortimer may be cast through Circle Theatre general auditions or Theatre TCU auditions.
SEVEN IN ONE BLOW (or THE BRAVE LITTLE KID) All roles are played by adults but are open to interpretation and are not necessarily gender or age specific. Frankie and Mack: dead end kids, angels with dirty faces. The Kid: courageous, strong and smart. Unfortunately people assume it’s a boy, but really….. The Ogre: a terrifying brute who turns out to be true blue. The Scarlet Pimpernel: character is based on the film of the same name, starring Lesley Howard. The Queen/King: Or is it King/Queen? Actually she/he’s a little of both. Princess Fartina: A spoiled brat of a princess. We’re talking a royal pain in the Ascot Races. A Witch: She’s very scary as witches go. December: the God of Winter….aged and wise. A Pea: A tap-dancing pea! No, really!