Student Blog: Updates: The Finals Crunch

I think, if anything we can learn from Sondheim, the most important thing is to really be brave and take those leaps into uncharted territory.

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Student Blog: Updates: The Finals Crunch

Hello again, BroadwayWorld readers. It's Brighton (they/them) and I'm writing during an incredibly hectic time in the fall semester-- with finals ongoing for the next couple weeks, we're all stressed to the max. Basically, if you know a college student, send them a kind word or virtual hug; we really need it right now.

Firstly, some updates:


I'd love to update you all on this project, I think it went pretty well! There were a few hurdles along the way, much like any other project, but I am more than pleased with the final product. We may not have recouped, either, but I am incredibly grateful for the team of people I got to work with and what I learned along the way.

You can watch a full livestream view of the show here!! Better-quality footage highlights are also available on our channel if you'd like to hear isolated songs.

The venue was super cute and intimate and had lovely acoustics. I think the biggest annoyance I had that night was starting up our stream. It held us up for about 10 minutes (the LONGEST 10 minutes of my life, if you ask me), but the audience was really very understanding and patient as we worked out the kinks. We eventually turned to Facebook as an alternative streaming platform since YouTube just would not cooperate that evening.


I'm in the process of applying for rights for a show (title undisclosed just in case we don't get our hands on it). I am a touch worried that it was too late to apply, but I figured if we were going to do something, there's no time like the present. It's all a learning process, of course, as are most endeavors in producing theatrical works. I think in the "worst case" (just being that we don't get the rights) scenario, we'll regroup and rally again for the summer, just with more time to plan than this go around.

I've also been itching to establish a series of spring/summer classes and workshops-- I think it'd be really cool to do something virtual so it's not limited by physical location and a whole bunch of people from all over the place could partake. So be on the lookout for updates from us regarding our spring/summer programming; it might be something you yourself can participate in!

REMEMBERING Stephen Sondheim

I was in between shifts at Caroline, or Change when I got the news. I was fully taken aback. It felt awful that the world wasn't suddenly stopping for this man. Life just... carried on. I think that's something everyone has to come to terms with, though, at some point or another.

I don't think there's much that I can say that will measure up to Sondheim's stunning existence on this planet, but I think something about him was reassuring and inspiring to so many. His humble beginnings are incredibly relatable, and his success in the industry as a pioneer of modern American musical theatre is incredibly inspiring to writers and non-writers alike. I think, if anything we can learn from Sondheim, the most important thing is to really be brave and take those leaps into uncharted territory. Write weird rhythms. Use complex words, and go with your heart. The rest of the world will learn to catch up to your trailblazing.

Another way we can honor Sondheim's legacy is by supporting new, up-and-coming writers. Donate to that program that's writing original work! Go see the little off-off-off-Broadway show! You might hate what you see, but then again, there's also a very strong chance you'll love it.

And what is theatre-making if not taking risks?

I think that's all I've got for right now. Signing off (to go cram for some final projects and papers, probably),

Brighton xx
