Student Blogger: Arnell Ariyana


BWW Blog: A Closer Look at Asian Actresses Representing the 2019 Season
BWW Blog: A Closer Look at Asian Actresses Representing the 2019 Season
February 27, 2019

As an Indonesian born theatre-lover, I remember seeing my first Broadway show, which was the Miss Saigon Revival. As a proud Asian myself, I could not believe that I was seeing the iconic helicopter scene from the mezzanine, after growing up singing 'I'd Give My Life for You' in my living room all the time. Beyond its theatrical elements, it was heartwarming to see someone like myself portrayed on a Broadway stage where people of varying cultures could witness a group of Asian performers shine on stage. As Broadway is starting to become more progressive in the realms of diversity and representation, here are some of the Asian actresses gracing the stage this year.
