MEDITATIONS ON NATIONALISM - Quarry Theatre Non Equity Auditions

Posted July 14, 2017
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MEDITATIONS ON NATIONALISM will be a theatrical event exploring, unpacking, physicalizing and yes…meditating on the topic of nationalism, which has seeped into our national consciousness in the wake of the 2016 election. Some of the questions that we intend to quarry include:
• When is the exact moment nationalism takes place in a society? Can it be actually “clocked”?
• What circumstances exist in a society allowing nationalism to take root?
• How does nationalism physically manifest itself in a human body?
• What are the results of nationalism when the dust settles?
The piece will excavate historical moments of nationalism like the rise of Nazi Germany, the “year 0” project in Cambodia, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Native American displacement and Palestinian persecution in the West Bank.

We're looking for four actors who have some experience and/or are eager to work on a devised theatre project. This is a long commitment but we know a rewarding one. The project will start rehearsing in August — one weekend day and one weekday evening at Stevenson University (based on scheduling.) A workshop of the piece will take place in March of 2018. The performance will be happening in the summer of 2018.

Audition Date: Sunday, July 30th at Stillpointe Theatre (by appointment only!!)
Prepare: Dress ready to move and bring your imagination!! The audition will consist of improvisation with a group.

Stipend: $500.00 plus a percentage of the box office

Questions: Please contact Ryan Clark, Artistic Director:

For an appointment email: or

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