
Privacy Previews (Spoilers Inside)

Privacy Previews (Spoilers Inside)

Fantod Profile Photo
#1Privacy Previews (Spoilers Inside)
Posted: 7/3/16 at 3:13pm

Thought a new thread might be good now that previews have started. Did anybody go last night? Thoughts?

Updated On: 7/11/16 at 03:13 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#2Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/3/16 at 11:34pm


"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#3Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/3/16 at 11:41pm

I saw it tonight. All I can say is that it's the most fun I've had at a show all year (and I've seen Hamilton twice.) I was wiping tears away I laughed so hard. And damn that Radcliffe boy is charming. 

Updated On: 7/4/16 at 11:41 PM

#4Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/3/16 at 11:59pm

What was the running time?

#5Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 12:05am

About 3 hours including a 15 minute intermission.

#6Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 12:24am

Thanks AK. Don't know if the time will fluctuate with the interactive segments. But I don't want to know too much. Seeing it in a couple of weeks.

#7Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 11:42am

Sorry to say, I wasn't wild for this one. I was in the mood for something kinda scary (like The Nether) but the first act went more of the comedy route than anything else.  OK, I thought, I will take the ride. Act two is wear things got messy. Some of the things that were supposed to come off as improv were clearly read from a script....  Also, not a whole lot of plot development 

I went into it with a rudimentary knowledge of Internet Privacy, and didn't leave with much new information 

overall, it was a fun night at the theatre, but don't kill yourself trying to get a ticket 

#8Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 11:58am

how is Radcliffe? How do you compare his performance to his other stage performances?

#9Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 12:13pm

I like to think of him as a young Mathew Broderick...  Always giving the same performance (not bad if he's given the wright material, like he is here) 

#10Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/4/16 at 9:04pm

Interesting Relevance. Do you have a  Radcliffe performance you prefer?

After Eight
#11Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/6/16 at 6:45am

"how is Radcliffe? How do you compare his performance to his other stage performances?"

Very affable, but the role is weak, and doesn't give him much opportunity to shine. He plays a Bobby Baby type who can't connect emotionally with others:  he's at the center of everything, but is colorless as a character. The multiple secondary characters have a much better time of it.

The play belongs more in a classroom than on stage, as it's really an extended lecture, repetitious and far too long. 


Updated On: 7/6/16 at 06:45 AM

buhbuhbilly Profile Photo
#12Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/7/16 at 11:05pm

I saw this tonight. I think it's a highly fascinating topic, very witty, and will really likely be controversial among audiences. Personally I was entertained an highly intrigued with the audience/cell phone interaction as well as some funny moments with audience interaction. I ultimately recommend it (if you can get a ticket, I think the run is sold out). 

For those who have seen it and will see it, I'm curious to hear what others may think about a broadway transfer. The set is extremely simple, the cast is great (Rachel Dratch is in this! and hilarious) and considering it focuses around technology I think speaks to a relevant and current audience. We'll see how the reviews look as well. Happy to answer any questions if you guys have them!

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#13Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/7/16 at 11:58pm

I was also there tonight and wasn't crazy about it. There wasn't much of a plot, and I preferred the first act to the second (the second act had more audience participation, and it dragged a bit for me). I suppose this will be polarizing. 

JBroadway Profile Photo
#14Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/10/16 at 6:17pm

You know how sometimes people will say "I'd watch [so-and-so] read the phonebook"? This show is as close as any of us are likely to get to that LITERAL situation. Lucky for me, "I'd watch Daniel Radcliffe read the phonebook!" I love Daniel Radcliffe as an actor and he does a great job in this.

The show was...interesting. For the most part, it was fun to watch, and to be able to participate. The writing is really not that good at all, and the attempt at giving us an actual plot line was kind of pitiful, almost on par with Paramour's plot. 

However, I appreciate the fact that this was a unique piece of theatre, which incorporated technology in a way that I've never experienced. On one level, it was an effective gimmick. However, on a deeper level, the incorporation of technology and personal information was also integral to the show's message and structure. I always appreciate a show that takes advantage of the the theatrical medium, doing something that could not possibly be done on film or in writing. 

Also, I should say again, I really did ENJOY watching it despite the quality of the writing. The only part that bored me was the chunk of Act 2 that takes a turn for the serious. For those who have seen it, it was the section of the show about...

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The NSA, Edward Snowden, identity theft - that part with the 2 women who claim to be the same person. 


Updated On: 7/10/16 at 06:17 PM

Dave13 Profile Photo
#15Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/11/16 at 1:24am


Not to be confused with Dave19.
Updated On: 7/11/16 at 01:24 AM

phantomcrazy14 Profile Photo
#16Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/11/16 at 1:31pm

I was also there last night, and I enjoyed myself. The writing and the ex-romance plot weren't the best, but I still found it funny and entertaining. The interactive bits with the phone and research were also enough to keep me engaged, and I found those bits very interesting. As for the plants, there were only two out of the people called up. Also way to blow it with the plants. Guess you didn't stay after the curtain call to hear the speech about not sharing that bit online, or more likely you just don't care. 


Taryn Profile Photo
#17Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/13/16 at 12:08am

It was definitely a unique show.  I was entertained and interested the whole time, and found myself laughing a lot more than I expected; the first act in particular is really funny.  I still think Radcliffe is a really fantastic actor; I remember being blown away by him when he did Equus and I realized he was going to be a legitimate talent as an adult.  This role is far from Equus, but he definitely inhabits it well and has a distinct charm.

sorano916 Profile Photo
#18Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/13/16 at 1:17am

I went this past weekend and I did like it. I didn't find it too preachy/informative except for maybe one scene in Act 2, which could be trimmed. As far as content, I know/understand basic technology privacy knowledge, but I was still interested in what was presented. The storyline is flimsy, but I actually didn't mind too much (moreso in Act 1 than Act 2).


The cast was great. We all know Dan's the main character but the supporting cast works well, portraying different experts/speakers/characters (fictional & non-fictional). There were bits of improv which was handled nicely & as seamless as possible.  


Now, in terms of audience participation since it's been noted in the show's description, I feel like there are three levels (the first two aren't really spoilers as they're kinda implied by the show's description; I did hid the third as it's a little more detailed) :


1) None - you can just sit there, not have your phone, don't need to shout out anything, etc. I don't think by not doing anything will make you feel like you're missing out. You might be included in something as an audience member as a whole, but you don't need to do anything if you don't want to.


2) On-the-spot Active - there are moments when the cast breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience to do something on your phone, such Google something and then shout out your search result... this happens just a handful of times, more during Act 1 than Act 2, if I remember correct.


3) Pre-determined Active -

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Before the performance, the show reaches out to select audience members for further active participation, such as being brought on stage. If the show doesn't reach out to you beforehand, you won't be asked to go onstage (I know that's a fear of many people). And if the show does reach out, you can always decline. :)


Overall, I felt it was worth going and I'm hoping to try to rush it later in the run to see what changes they make.

#19Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/13/16 at 1:46am

has Radcliffe been signing after Matinees? what about Dratch?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#20Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/14/16 at 9:51am

I was there last night, and I have to say I was riveted.  I plan on going back to see changes later in the run.  Could Act 1 be trimmed a little?  Sure.  Could there be more actual character development?  Sure.  But I'm not complaining.  I was on the edge of my seat basically the entire time, but especially during Act 2.  This is definitely a show that people should experience, whether they'll enjoy the actual play or not.  I think it's just so absolutely clever that it's worth going to support the creative team if nothing else.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#21Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/14/16 at 10:01am

LightsOut90 said: "has Radcliffe been signing after Matinees? what about Dratch?"


I've heard that he has not been signing after matinees, only after evening shows. Don't know about Dratch, but she's a wily one. I've seen her in 2 other shows, and she's always slipped out soon after the show ends. 


Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#22Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/15/16 at 4:39pm

There are a handful of seats available for tomorrow's matinee.

#23Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/21/16 at 12:35pm

Does anyone know or think if there will be another extension for Privacy?

#24Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/23/16 at 12:05pm

Would the show be appropriate for a 12 year old in your opinions? 

sorano916 Profile Photo
#25Privacy Previews
Posted: 7/23/16 at 4:38pm

hes16 said: "Would the show be appropriate for a 12 year old in your opinions? "


IIRC, there are some language but I think the material would be good for a 12 year old to know.
