SPEED-THE-PLOW - The PBD Theatre Company Non Equity Auditions

Posted January 7, 2015
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SPEED-THE-PLOW - The PBD Theatre Company


THE PBD THEATRE Company is seeking experienced actors for their premier production of David Mamet’s Speed-The-Plow. The show will be performed at the Orlando Fringe Festival which takes place between May 13-26, 2015. Actual performance dates and showtimes are TBA. Rehearsals are to begin in March 2015.

Auditions will be by appointment only. To schedule an audition, contact Justin J. Sacramone at
justinsacramone@gmail.com. In the email, Include a resume and headshot and subject the email “Speed-the-plow audition’.

Speed-The-Plow Synopsis

David Mamet’s furiously paced satire about the toxic movie industry is a three scene, one act play about Bobby Gould and Charlie Fox, two mid-level movie producers. Bobby and Charlie have come up the ladder of success together at a fast rate despite their age. The play opens just days after Bob has received a promotion. Working under the title “Head of Production” with a contract that allows him to greenlight one project a year, his lifelong loyal friend brings him a script to guarantee them both a large fortune. The movie is a formulaic action buddy comedy with all the right buzz words to spark the interest of Bob’s boss. They can’t get into see Bob’s boss until the next morning, so to pass the time Bob forces Charlie to place a bet that he can sleep with the temp, Karen. Bob calls Karen into his office, hands him a book (a highbrow novel about the destructive nature of men) that Bob’s boss wants him to read to consider the book’s film potential. Bob asks Karen to read it for him and then come by his house that evening to “discuss” it.

Speed-the-Plow is an industry term which means “do you work”. The play tears apart an industry that is only concerned with making movies that make money. Here, David Mamet hilariously composes the argument of doing something for artistic virtue vs. financial greed.

Director’s Note

Speed-The-Plow contains graphic language and drug references. This production will explore homosexual themes. Actors should be comfortable performing in a play with this subject matter.

Character Descriptions

Bob Gould (mid to late 20’s male)

Handsomely attractive facade but self-absorbed in his own good looks. Proud of his accomplishments and loves the sound of his own voice. Prep school boy who made it to, and through, college due to his athleticism. Sexually promiscuous, but had found that since his promotion, the game has become much too easy for him. Despite a healthy, defined build he still comes across as slightly flamboyant especially when he is passionately talking smack with his partner in crime, Fox. Bob and Charlie has probably been arrested together.

Charlie Fox (mid to late 20’s male)

Work driven movie producer who speeds the plow at a pace like no other. Often quick witted and known for turning on a dime. Fox’s religion is candor. Also properly educated and while Fox’s grades were similar to Bob’s, Fox is smarter than him. Although his flamboyance and sarcastic sense of humor may give others the impression he is not from this planet, like his name, Fox, he is always protecting those closest and ready to fight back at anyone and anything resembling a threat to his success.

Karen (early to mid 20’s male)

Ambitious temporary secretary….for now. Adonis like in his looks and build. Despite almost no formal education, Karen seems to never have a problem getting things handed to him. While naive may be a word to describe him, Karen is always five steps ahead of anyone else. The type of game and smarts that cannot be taught. Karen is always working for his own good. Everyone else is expendable. Karen is the devil.

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