ANGELS IN THE SKY - NY Summerfest Theater Festival/Hudson Guild Theatre Non Equity Auditions Non Equity Auditions

Posted July 1, 2018
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ANGELS IN THE SKY - NY Summerfest Theater Festival/Hudson Guild Theatre Non Equity Auditions

“Angels in the Sky” by Ten Smith is a new original stage play making its debut at the New York Summerfest Theatre Festival. This is a non-AEA production. It is a one act with an expected runtime of 45 minutes. It will be presented along with another one act at the festival

Performance dates: Aug.29th, Aug.30th, Sept.1st, Sept. 2nd.

The story is narrated by Laura through a series of poems. She intends to honor the memory and creative works of her best friend Charlie. Charlie is an american poet at the eve of great success. The loss of his wife causes a drastic change in his demeanor negatively affecting the way he interacts with the people around him; including his only son Dave. Laura tries her best to support him and help him through his bouts of depression and anger. However things progressively gets worse.

Who: Everyone is encouraged to auditions, especially seeking performers of color.

For auditions sides will be provided. Auditions are open to everyone and I encourage everyone to apply. The goal is to have a cast of around seven people where the ensemble roles are doubled up. Must be comfortable with learning a bit of stage combat.

Laura Winfield: Early 40’s, Charlie’s oldest and best friend. Supports him through all his rough times. Narrates the story.

Charlie Wordsmith: An accomplished African- American writer fallen from grace. A man in his early 40’s battling depression.

Diane Wordsmith: 20-30’s, Married to Charlie, serves as his Guardian Angel. Becomes apart of his drug induced hallucinations

Dave Nathaniel Wordsmith: 18-25, Son of Charlie, trying to figure out his own way to cope with life's pain. Removed from family situation.

Mr.Banker: 18-35. A debt collector and lover of poetry, looks up to Charlie’s legacy. A true professional.

Dr.Good Doc: 18-35, Fun loving, cares about the people placed in his care. Cannot resist telling a corny joke.

Jane: 18-25, Non-Gender specific. Quick, observant and always ready to help. Finds a way to be cheery in every situation.

Reverend Ira: Non-Gender specific. A man of the people, ready to save souls and lead them into the gates of heaven.(Ensemble)

Jake: 18-25, Non-Gender specific. Clearly a stoner. (Ensemble)

James: 18-25, Non-Gender specific. A soft hearted college student Dreams of running for office. Wild partier. Friends with Dave.(Ensemble)

Jamie: 18-25, Non-Gender specific. College student that has a keen eye for Fashion. Friends with Dave (Ensemble)


To register for auditions:
For any additional questions email:

“AITS” productions is is all-volunteer based theatre. Actors are not paid. However they are allowed to attend any show apart of the festival for free.

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